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Aika felt odd. Everything around her was dark, and she felt like she was the but not really there at the same time. It didn't make any sense. Not liking the dark, Aika was quick to reach out to the light when she saw a small part of it shining through the darkness.

Her onyx eyes fluttered open, but die to the sheer brightness of the light, she had to quickly shut it. Bringing her hand to her face, Aika was surprised to feel a weight bringing down her right arm. Glancing at it, her heart warmed when she saw Katsuki laying down on the side of the bed.

His sleeping face actually looks peaceful, and Aika thinks that this is probably the only time that she'll ever see Katsuki as peaceful as he is now. She raised her left hand, and despite being slightly uncomfortable, Aika stroked the surprisingly fluffy hair of Katsuki.

She was quite confused at what she was feeling. Whenever Aika saw Katsuki, her face would warm and her heart felt like melting. The tips of her ears would always go slightly pink, and whenever Katsuki does anything that's even remotely kind to Aika, she always gets flustered.

What she felt was completely new to her, but Aika wasn't really sure that it's a bad thing. Sure, sometimes she felt like that her heart was doing jumping jacks in her chest, but other than that, she liked the feeling of being around Katsuki.

She liked Katsuki.

It suddenly dawned on her exactly what she had confessed to herself, and Aika retreived her hand to cover her face which was slowly turning pink. Her already flustered state worsened when she heard Katsuki say, "Why'd you stop?"

Aika gulped and mentally screamed in her head. She was not ready to suddenly hear Katsuki's morning voice, and seeing as she already was flustered before he talked -

"Oi, are you mute now or something?" Katsuki scowled when Aika didn't answer his question. Aika looked at him through her fingers which she used to cover her face and cleared her throat.

"I can talk you idiot, but give me some water first." Aika croaked out, surprised when she found that her throat was dryer than she had expected. Of course, Katsuki being the simp that he is for Aika - ehem - Katsuki baking the good friend he is, immediately complied to her wishes and reached for the cup of water conveniently laying on the girl's bedside table.

After Aika gulped down the water, Katsuki asked, "All jokes and kidding aside, how are you feeling?"

"Okay . . . ? I guess?" Aika said, trying to see which part of her body was injured most. "The arm you're laying on right now is probably the most injured after my stomach."

After hearing that, Katsuki was quick to back away from Aika's right hand in horror. Aika was quick to reassure him before he could even say anything, "It didn't hurt while you were there, I promise. Right now, my body's kinda numb so I can't feel much of anything, which sucks but is probably for the better."

"Damnit, why do I keep messing up -" Katsuki muttered under his breath.

His whisper didn't go past Aika, and she frowned. "Katsuki, are you . . . blaming yourself for what happened to me back at the USJ?"

"Yes? No? I don't know." Katsuki sighed, covering his head with his hands in frustration. "I feel upset because despite me saying that I'll be the number one hero, back at the USJ, I couldn't even protect you, and you and to take a lot of hits for me -"

"Something that I chose to do." Aika interrupted. She reached out to Katsuki and  slowly uncovered his face, revealing his eyes that were full of emotions. Aika paused, staring at Katsuki's beautiful red eyes.

She could see the pain and the insecurity in them, the sadness that he felt, and the slight anger that was hiding underneath all these emotions. Blinking rapidly, she looks away and said, "No matter whst you would have done, I would have been injured either way, Katsuki, nothing would change."

"You would have been less injured if I was just better." Katsuki mumbled, not taking his eyes off of Aika despite the latter not staring at him. "I don't like the fact that you got hurt. And I hate the fact that part of it was my fault."

"Even if I could turn back the time, I would do it all over again if it meant saving you."


[ So here is our weekly friday update ^^ you might have noticed that the chapters are slightly less longer than the previous ones, and I hope you don't mind :(

I don't know why the hell I decided to publish and constantly rotate between updating 3 books, but I did it either way. Hope you liked it everyone ^^

There's still so much more to come so I do hope I'm not boring you because this is already quite long and we haven't even reached the UA Sports Festival yet :( ]

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