Chapter 1: A Discovery

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George POV:

"Dr. Davidson, I think it's better if you take a seat" a soft yet unfamiliar female voice spoke out, George couldn't quite tell what was happening but his body seemed to reject the movement as he obediently sat down; a sense of urgency and dread filling his chest but he was completely still like a deer that had been caught in a car's headlights. George glanced around at his surroundings, unaware of where exactly he was, the white walls resembling that of some sort of medical institution.

He pondered in his thoughts for what seemed like an eternity, watching as his hands trembled for no apparent reason until the unfamiliar but this time clearer voice, it was definitely a female voice, spoke again "Dr. Davidson there's no easy way to say this, we tried everything we could but he was just too far gone.. I'm really sorry for your loss, Dr. Davidson" it seemed like time had slowed down, George's vision clearing only to blur once more with tears? He couldn't tell why his eyes were glistening with water droplets this however did nothing but escalate his nerves.

Sure George's last name was Davidson but he most certainly was no doctor and neither was anyone else in his family; George streamed Minecraft videos with his friends on either twitch or youtube for a living, this was far beyond his pay grade. Had they mistaken him for someone else? That appeared to be the correct answer to George; he was about to open his mouth to speak only to notice that he couldn't. He was stuck in place like he had been caged in his own body trying to break free, trying to move any limb of his body only to fail miserable it was as though he was a passenger in the events that were unfolding before him.

He couldn't quite fathom what exactly had gone on, his mind filling with panic as his vision began to blur even further his deep brown eyes began to overflow with tears, in fact George could barely see a few feet infront of him, he couldn't even see the woman's face. Why was he reacting like this if he didn't feel anything, if he didn't know what was going on: had he lost someone important?

George jolted awake, panting, his body struggled to breathe from all the adrenaline rushing through his veins only calming down as he finally realised that it was a dream, terrifying but a dream. It wasn't real.

A small sigh of relief left George's lips as his hand scrambled to grasp his phone that had laid on the bed side table near by, his deep brown eyes wincing at just how bright his screen had been when he left it last night.

Taking a moment to adjust, George lowered the brightness of his screen to make it bearable, only to be shocked awake as he saw the exponential amount of missed notifications from his bestfriend, Sapnap, that filled his phones screen. George instantaneously decided that ringing his friend was a far easier option than trying to catch up on the abundance of missed messages. As his finger hovered over the call button he caught a glimpse of what the messages had said:

"George, buddy, you won't believe what we found!" the message read but George didn't really have time to think about it as a small *beep* alerted him that the call had been answered. Soon followed by a loud and energetic voice "George! Finally you're awake! I thought you died dude!" the last part of the statement almost sounding sincere if it weren't followed by a chuckle.

Causing George to snicker as he finally replied "Sapnap! We both know I have a terrible sleep schedule and if you really wanted me to respond you could've called" he made a rational point which caused a small and clearly annoyed rumble to escape the others lips. Sapnap knew he was right, but there was also no way he would admit to this.

"Dude we both know you put your phone on do not disturb!" he exclaimed loudly before interrupting himself "But that doesn't matter! You wouldn't believe what we found at work, you know.. you could come and see for youseeelf" his friend Nick spoke, his voice clearly laced with hope that George would agree to whatever horrible idea this was. And he knew this was a horrible idea since the last time George had heard his friend that excited about something he had managed to set a pile of *important* paperwork ablaze on accident.

You see Nick, also know by his childhood nickname Sapnap, was not only a public figure that played minecraft with George he was also a scientist of sorts (which explained his extremely poor upload schedule) so he constantly worked with a variety of well unique creatures and since he was one of the head scientists in the organization he would constantly drag George along with him when he found something cool or rather had a dumb idea. This seemed like no exception to George as he was already able to the tell by simply the sound of pure excitement in Sapnap's voice.

"Fine SnapMap... but if you do something dumb like last time, I'm leaving!" George announced with a defeated sigh, even though he loved to live by the rules, he also had to admit that hanging out with his friend was extremely fun.

"George, dude, if you call me that again we will have issues and plus when have any of my ideas turned out to be bad" he exclaimed with a prideful snicker, which caused the dark haired boy to hang up the phone. Only to hear his phone ring with another notification:


"Be there in 30 mins, Gogy"

"Sapnap! You know I hate that nickname, and yes I'll be there in 30."

George set his phone down with a small eye roll, it was true Sapnap got onto his nerves more than anyone else but then again he wouldn't change him for the world.

He needed to get ready for whatever chaos was bound to unfold, George got out of his bed only to spend the next few minutes rummaging through his closet which was filled with mainly blue, grey and black shirts since he couldn't quite tell other colours apart. He had finally settled on a slightly oversized rich blue hoodie that had a fake supreme logo on it, he had received this as a gift from Sapnap due to him finding it hilarious at how similar it was to George's minecraft skin.

It didn't take much longer for George to be ready and out the door, on his way to the laboratory facility that Sapnap worked for which conveniently was less than 20 minutes away from his home.

And soon he was standing right infront of the main gates, a prideful smile painted across his face as the boy realised he was a few minutes early, sure the accomplishment seemed minor but it gave him a good start to what he will soon learn was a long day ahead of him.

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