Chapter 12 (Mass Hammer Attack)

Start from the beginning

Chihiro: "No. I haven't seen him since... oh god..." Chihiro ran out of the room to make her way to the kitchen. "TAKA!"

Kyoko: "We should split up and find him!"

Celeste: "Agreed. I'll search down here and tell the two lovebirds what happened. You and Byakuya can search the third floor and see if you can find anything about Makoto being knocked out. And Sakura and Hina can search the second floor."

Kyoko: "Alright, let's go!" Everyone split off into their groups while searching for Kiyotaka. Celeste saw Makoto still rubbing his head while being guided by Sayaka as they were about to start searching.

Chihiro: "AHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Sayaka: "That's Chihiro!"

Makoto: "She's in trouble." The two of them ran to the dining hall where they heard the scream from. Once they got there, they found Kiyotaka on the floor killed with another hammer as Chihiro kneeled down right next to him.

Sayaka: "T-Two murders... why?"

Chihiro: "T-Taka..."

Sakura: "What's going on!?"

Celeste: "Leon wasn't the only one who died."

Byakuya: "Dammit one thing at a time. First Makoto gets attacked, then Leon gets killed, and now Ishimaru!"

Kiyotaka: "F... Fuj... Fujisaki..?"

Celeste: "He's alive!?"

Chihiro: "Taka! Alright c'mon! We'll get you to the infirmary as soon as-"

Kiyotaka: "N...No... don't..."

Chihiro: "Huh?"

Kiyotaka: "I-... I'm sorry... Fujisaki... someone... someone tried... to kill you..."

Sakura: "Someone tried to kill Fujisaki!?"

Kiyotaka: "I... was attacked... from behind... because I... intervened with... the killer's... plan... I'm... sorry... Fujisaki..." Chihiro started tearing up, Kiyotaka was dying. "Fujisaki... I... bel-... believe... in you... defeat... Monokuma... for me... and for bro... you can... do it... my friend..." After that Kiyotaka breathed his last breath. Chihiro was know crying and Aoi went to comfort her.


Monokuma (Loudspeaker): "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!" Two murders occurred, no one could believe it. Especially with Kiyotaka, he sacrificed his own life for Chihiro. She couldn't feel anything but helpless...

Monokuma: "My my, two murders occurred! Even I wasn't expecting this! Alright, you know the drill here!" The Monokuma file was presented on Kiyotaka and then Leon.

Makoto: "Wait... why was Kiyotaka's file presented first?"

Sayaka: "Maybe he was killed first?"

Makoto: "Wait, is that possible?"

Sakura: "Could be, but we should still look for evidence. I'll guard evidence for Kiyotaka's body. Chihiro, you'll guard Leon's."

Chihiro: "Wait what! Why me?"

Sakura: "You've been training to get stronger alongside me. If you couldn't guard anything I wouldn't be suggesting you to do this."

Chihiro: "Good point. Alright I'll do my best." Makoto, Sayaka, and Aoi searched Kiyotaka's crime scene. Kyoko, Byakuya, and Celeste searched Leon's.

Makoto: "Holy crap..."

Sayaka: "What?" Makoto then tipped Kiyotaka over to show Sayaka what happened and then she realized.

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