"You should've taken those earlier. Otherwise, they won't take effect immediately."

I shake my head. "I don't like taking pain pills."

"If you have a history with abusing pills, I can—"

"No." I shake my head again and meet her eyes. They're dark, the opposite color of mine. "I'm used to not taking any pain medication. So I don't want to start now." She purses her lips and I know she wants to press further, but she doesn't. I'm not taking pills for a few stitches. I've had worse injuries and didn't take any pain medication then so I won't now for something so inconsiderate. Where were these pills when I actually got shot with a M4 Carbine.

"Oh, come on." David groans, slapping me on the back. "At least stay for a few hours."

I shake my head, undoing the clasp of my helmet under my chin before removing it all together. Those bulletproof helmets are annoying as fuck. The clasp always digs into my chin as they have to be put on tightly to make sure they stay secure. Sure, they prevent a bullet from searing my brains, but that doesn't mean I can't complain about how uncomfortable they are. Not to mention heavy.

"I was there last night." I answer. "I'm gonna call my parents." My lips stretch at the thought of them. I haven't heard their voices in a week and I can finally call them back tonight. In exactly three hours and twenty-two minutes.

No, I'm not counting down or anything ...

"Pussy." David coughs in his palm.

I punch his shoulder and he staggers a step. A loud buzzing sound pierces my ears as the force of the land mine we didn't notice explodes.


We checked this area just yesterday.

This can't be happening.

The sound of gunshots echo in the desert and I duck, quickly putting my helmet back on. Grabbing my pistol, I aim it at the sound, but my vision is obstructed by dirt.

Where the hell are these people shooting us from?

My body goes into survival mode, adrenaline taking over. I crawl towards David. Rolling him on his back, the front of his shirt is ripped and blood is oozing from ... his entire chest.

"David!" I slap his cheek, trying to make him open his eyes. He groans again and mumbles something incoherent. "Just stay still."

I remove my jacket and use it to apply pressure on his chest where the most blood is leaking.

A cold and warm feeling at the same time develops in my shoulder as a bullet punctures my body.

"Fuck!" I hiss, my skin stinging. I look around, trying to see where they're hiding but all I see is fucking dirt.

Coughing, I then drag David behind a small dune. It's the best I can do when we're in the open and I don't fucking know who's attacking us.

I check for a pulse. It's weak but it's still there. I don't have my fucking radio with me. So I can't call for help. But they must've heard the sound of the mine and guns.

My vision goes blurry as I lose more blood by the second.

"Just stay awake." I'm not sure who I'm saying this to. David or me. "Just breathe."

In the distance, in the direction of where we set camp a few days back, I vaguely notice multiple figures coming closer. I fight with my body to keep upright, for my vision to stay clear.

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