CHAPTER 14: The Jealous Countess

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"Prince Felix of Denmark, do you take Augustine Lopez to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and health, to love her and  to honor her all the days of your life?"

Staring at her beautiful dark brown eyes and smiled. "I do."

"Augustine Lopez, do you take Prince Felix of Denmark to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him in all the days of your life?

" I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

"Finally" I muttered before I drew her closer to me and dipped my head for the kiss.


"Are you all right, hustru?"

I was dragged back to the present time when I saw Felix, staring at me curiously. I am facing a whole body mirror where I can see myself, wearing a ruby confetti tiara which was given to me by Felix' grandmother, the Queen. We had our wedding ceremony earlier in the garden of Augustenborg Palace. The Queen seems to be too fascinated with my name, she said that there is an Augusta again in the family, maybe that's the reason why she gifted me a tiara and the palace for our official residence as a married couple.


"I'm sorry Felix, but do I really have to wear this tiara? It's kind of awkward, you know." My husband went closer to me and grinned. "You look beautiful, min kone. Your tiara is matched to your engagement ring. Besides, it's also suits you very well."

"Flatterer." I rolled my eyes on him as I get the tiara away from my head.

"Kærlighed?" I draw my attention to him when he called me again.

"Do you know what people will call you now?" He grabbed my right hand and kissed the back of it. "Princess Augustine of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat?" I answered uncertainly. I still don't know how this royal thing works.

"Do you know why the Queen gives a tiara and this palace?" He asked again, are we having some royal quiz here.

"Yes, because of my name. It seems my name and the former princess of Denmark's name is somewhat the same. From tiara and jewelries to this palace, it all belongs to the late Princess Louise Augusta of Denmark. I searched it in Google." I said confidently.

He chuckled. "You're right. So you're one of the princesses of this country, you have your responsibilities now, August. But first, you have to learn Danish. As Princess of Denmark, one must know how to speak Danish. Starting tomorrow, you will be with Miss Ida to teach you royal etiquette and language. By the way, Ana will arrive here any minute, maybe you want some makeover to some rooms here in the palace."

"Your ex?" I uttered sarcastically.

"Yes? And what's with that tone, August? Ana is the best architect in the country."


Fifteen minutes after our private conversation, Ana arrived at the palace. Right now, she's discussing some designs for the interior of the palace. Looking at these two talking, I feel something within me like to explode.

"Ægtemand" Felix look at me.

"Can you please get me an orange juice? My feet are a bit sore." My husband looks at me with worry, but I said to him again that I only need orange juice, so he leaves us and went to the kitchen.

"So, what design do you recommend again, Miss?" I asked my husband's ex while I'm looking at the brochure.

"Ah, yes Ma'am." She was about to start discussing when I talk again.

"Your Highness." I said calmly as she stared at me, curiously.

"As you can see, you are here as an architect. Felix is not just your client, but also me. I didn't tell you to call me "Ma'am", you can call me "Your Highness". I gaze at her intently. She explained the design she recommended to Felix earlier. Three minutes had passed and my husband got back with an orange juice with his hand. I immediately drink the juice I've been waiting and stood up.

"I'm tired, Felix. Just tell me if you two are done with that."

I didn't wait for him to react, I just walk straight upstairs. I honestly don't like seeing Felix with that woman, but also I don't want myself to get stressed over that matter so I better went off without my husband.

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