CHAPTER 29: The Plan

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It's five in the morning, I woke up a little earlier than I used to. I took my phone and do some scroll until something intriguing news I read. I click the article and I read the every detail on it. You got to be kidding me! There's an image of me with Ford. I quickly call my friend, Jury. He immediately answers my call.

"What now, Aug?" He asked.

"I need the plane ticket now!" I yelled. I'm starting to get paranoid in here.

"Can you please calm down? Why do you need the ticket now? Did Felix hurt you? Fight August! Use your knowledge in Martial Arts, woman!" He yelled also. 

"Please, Jury. I need the plane tickets now." I pleaded.

"Okay, just give me 30 minutes. I'll send your online ticket." I heard he sighed and ended the call. I better go back to sleep again.

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness." I stared at the maid who is busy with opening the windows. I touch my forehead as I feel a bit dizzy.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" She walks towards my bed when I notice she gets my phone that was placed on the bedside table. 

"What are you doing? Give me that phone." I growled.

"But His Highness--" The maid was going to reply, but I blunted before she finishes her statement.

"Is this because of the article circulating in Denmark? You don't have to worry, I already know." She gaped after I said that.  I got up from my bed and ask the maid to tell the driver to prepare the car.

I look at my phone vibrating and open the message.



I smirked and started to get change. Gamay nalang, makabalik nako sa Pilipinas.

The Danish PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora