What Am I Doing Wrong

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It has been a couple of weeks since we left Hogwarts for the summer. I still haven't had the time to think about what I could do to practice telling D. He has been writing to me for a while so has Violet. I still haven't told anyone but I decided that it was time to talk about it with the girls. We set out to meet at Diagon Alley since we also had to get fitted for our new robes. Most of us grew out of them I mean who wouldn't it's been a while. The only thing that I was dreading was if for some reason Malfoy was there as well. I wouldn't know what to say at all.

It was time that I was going to meet them. I only lived a couple of minutes away from the Leaky Cauldron which was my nearest entrance to the alley.

"Bye, Dad!" "Bye, Mom!" "Bye, Sis!"

"Bye honey take care of yourself. Don't do anything we wouldn't," they exclaimed back to me.

Ever since Harry said that Voldemort was back my parents have been frantically telling me to be careful and have also been very secretive. I haven't gotten an idea of why I even asked Caroline but not even she knew.

I headed and entered Diagon Alley and went to where the girls and I were going to meet. I was met by Ginny, Hermione, and Violet.

"Hi Ladies," I said playing around. "Hey," they all said back. "We should head to the store before it's late," said Ginny. We all nodded and headed to our destination.

"Before we get there I want to share something very important to you guys. It's a life or death situation. It's boy trouble."

All the girls started looked at me like it was actually a life or death situation.

"Let me guess it has to do with Malfoy isn't it," they all said.

"Wait a minute what how do you guys know? Is it that obvious?"

"We all sorta guessed it plus we could see how you started looking at him. It was different than how you used to," said Violet.

"I guess so," I said with a shy smile.

"So, is there anything you would like to tell us?"

"Well, yeah I actually do, I'm planning to tell him at the beginning of the new school year but I don't know what to say, and..."

"Wait look out Olivia!"

Next thing I know I'm on the floor. Someone had bumped into me.

"Hey watch where you're going," I said not looking at who had been that someone. It was Draco!

"Sorry Via, I wasn't paying attention," he said as he put his hand out to help me stand up.

"Oh, Draco hi umm it's ok," I said as my cheeks got a bit red.

"How has summer been going for you?"

"Good I guess," I said tucking a small piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Tell him now, here's your chance," says Hermione whispering as well hitting me lightly with her elbow.

I nod and then turn to Draco. "D. there's something very important to tell you," say not looking him in the eyes.

I was so afraid that I felt like I was about to pass out. "What is it Via has something bad happened to you?"

"What no!"

"So what is it then?"

"I have feelings for you," I said blurting it out to him.

I screamed so loud that Draco went back from where he was standing as he got scared.

"You what!"

"I like you."

"No, you can't there must be a mistake you are my best friend Via and nothing else you are too good for me and, I umm got to go," he exclaimed leaving me there standing and about to cry.

All the girls heard what he had said and came to me. They surrounded me and gave me a big great hug. I'm not sure what was going to happen after this. Was he still going to talk to me, was it going to be awkward? Thousands of possibilities were playing inside my head and all I wanted to do was run after him and have him hug me. I have always felt safe when he hugged me it also calmed me down. Why would he say that! What am I doing wrong?

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