One Hella Night Pt. 1

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Draco Malfoy

As soon as Via told me what happened to her I knew what I should do. Later that evening I decided to give that b*tch a piece of my mind. The funny thing is that Jacob here is a Mudblood and by the looks of it a hella mean one. On the bright side, I can be meaner. "Hey, filthy mudblood," I exclaimed loudly.

"Come to protect your girlfriend have you," he screamed back at me.

"You think your so funny don't you," I said. "News Flash you aren't."

And before he could say anything I threw the first punch. We fought what felt like forever before Snape got here and broke up the fight. If it weren't for him I would have kept ongoing. He was bleeding from his nose and saliva with blood coming from his mouth.

I on the other hand only had cuts and bruises on my knuckles and hands from all the punching. I ended up getting a week of detention but I didn't mind. I at least got to show that no one can mess with me, Violet, and especially Via.

Olivia Middleton

After Draco left me I went to my dorm to calm down a bit more. Sadly, I still didn't have a date. At this point, I was thinking of not going.

Then I heard everybody making a lot of commotion, Draco had beaten up Jacob from head toe from what I heard. When I heard it I went running to try to find him. Me being his best friend I know how to clean up his cuts and bruises. It was my department. "Olivia," Violet screamed, "Did you hear what happened to Malfoy?" "Yes," I said as I looked at her face. We ran until we found ourselves at the entrance of the Slytherin Common Room.

We said the password to enter. And yes you might be thinking how I know the passwords to enter different common rooms. Well, I'm not a Ravenclaw for nothing. Plus I did say I like uncovering secrets and things you aren't supposed to know right? 

We went in and at this point, all the Slytherins thought of as their own. We ran into his dorm and there he was sitting on his bed trying to set his own cuts. I kneeled and signaled Violet to bring the first-aid kit and some water in a cup. "Are you ok D," I asked as I carefully took off his bloody rings? 

"Oww, oww that really hurt!"

"Oh stop whining," screamed Violet from the bathroom

"Apart from that, I'm pretty sure I'm better than you. Am I right?" he said. "

Well, that's a tough question since you just said "oww." But anyways first, I'm thankful for what you did but you shouldn't have done it. Now you're in trouble. And lastly, on a really non-important matter, I still don't have a date for the ball," I said giving a small sigh. "Well, I did what I have to do. You are my best friend Via an-" "Via," I said.

"Why do you keep calling me that," I asked with a questionable face. "Are you done, ok I call you that because it's only fair that I use a nickname for you to an-" "Why don't I have one," Violet said as she then gave a pout. "Can you guys let me finish what I am going to say please and I can you Vi," Draco said. "Yes, sorry D.," said Vi and I. 

"Ok so my big question is Via would you go to the Yule Ball with me," he said as he looked at me with a smile on his face. "What!? Me? Why me?!" I said looking confused. "Yes or No Via," he said giving me his usual smirk. 


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