Chapter Seven

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Finally I got Jaydon off of me, not before I almost died though. I could hardly breathe any more. I hated it when he tickled me! It was my one major weak spot, especially just below my ribs on either side. Sadly, everyone in the the pack had that figured out. Kind of like how they all knew to bribe me with M'n'Ms or marshmmallows.

I had no idea where Grace had gotten off to, probably she went to her room to wind down after the excitement of this morning's breakfast. After all, the fight and then my and Jay's argument had kept it from being a boring first morning with us. We finished cleaning up the kitchen, Jenni and Lanie putting the leftover food (what little of it there was) in the refridgerator, Peter washing the dishes, me drying, and Jay putting them away while Sam opened cupboards for him. It didn't take us too long, so we weren't surprised when Ryan and Peter weren't back yet.

"Hey, Sera, do you want to go up to the mountain?" Jenni asked as I headed up the stairs.

"Sure," I replied with a smile. "Just let me put on some real clothes and throw my hair up into a ponytail." She nodded and so I raced up the stairs to do that. Almost an hour later we shifted back to human form in the gorgeous meadow on the mountain plateau. It was a long run to get to the base of the mountain, and then you had to be careful going up the path, but this was our favorite place to come.

"Bebe guns?" I asked her. She nodded and so I retrieved them from the hollowed out trunk we stashed our stuff in. It didn't matter that we were wolves, we also liked knives and guns. So we had target practice for half an hour before stretching out in the grass to talk.

"Where do you think Grace came from?" Jenni asked me.

I shrugged.

"Well aren't you curious?" she asked.

"Yes. But she obviously told Steve since he agreed to let her stay, and he apparently didn't think she was a threat, so I'll wait until she tells us. Although I hope it's soon."

"Do you think she'll stay?" Again I shrugged. "Would you care if she did stay?"

"I don't know. She seems nice, but we really haven't known her that long. Although Mark is a jerk and we still let him stay. I think it'll be fine if she stays." Jenni nodded.

"I'm glad you avoided ripping Mark's head of this morning," she added, with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.

"You know how angry he makes me!" I replied.

"Yeah yeah yeah," she said. "We should probably head back before Patricia wonders where we got off too." I nodded and we shifted into wolf form, running off happily.

We headed straight for the basement when we got back, where we found Peter, Jay, Sam and Ryan playing MarioKart. I know, most teenage boys you;d find playing Call of Duty or whatever, but sometimes they liked to go "old school" and play games like that.

"I call loser's controller!" I announced.

"I call 3rd place's controller!" Jenni yelled at the same time. The boys groaned and then became more competitive, not wanting to have to give up their controllers to us girls.

"Hey Ryan, where's Mark?"

"Don't distract me, Jenni!"

"What, too dumb to multi-task?"

"Shut up!"

Before the Twins Came (Book Two)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz