Chapter Eleven

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"I seriously want to know what Grace's story is," Lanie whispered to me. She, Jaydon, Jenni, Sam and I were swimming in the pool.

"Me too," Sam said, popping up between us.

"Well maybe you guys should ask her, then," I told them, even though I was curious too. "Or you could see if your dad will tell you, Sam."

"I already asked. He told me that was Grace's business and she would tell me when she was good and ready," Sam muttered. "And I'm too scared to ask her."

"Well if both of you go together-"

"We want you to ask her, Sera!" Lanie begged, making her eyes real wide and sad looking. Her and her stinking puppy dog eyes.

"Well if she tells me then I will be honorbound not to tell you guys."

"We'll come with you! We just want you to ask!"

Grace had been here for a week now, and while she was starting to get just a little bit more open, we still had next to no clue about her past. It was making me just a little bit edgy. I knew that steve knew her past and trusted her to stay with us, but I am not a naturally trusting person.

"All right, all right," I reluctantly agreed. "Come on, if you want me to talk to her so badly we should go do it now." I climbed out of the pool with the two tagging along closely behind me. Jerking a towel of the top of the pile I quickly dried off and pulled the blue sundress I used as a coverup on. Lanie ran up to her room to change and Sam pulled on a shirt.

"What are you guys doing?" Jaydon yelled.

"None of your business! We'll be back in a little while." He rolled his eyes and did a cannonball off the diving board before leaping out of the pool to follow us anyways. "Come on, Sam," I said and we headed for Lanie's room.

Five minutes later we were outside the door to Grace's bedroom. Nervously I raised a hand and knocked.

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