Chapter 3

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"I'm here-" I started when he cut me off with a wave of a hand.

"Introductions first." The alpha said simply. "I'm Steve the alpha of this pack. You are?"

"Grace from um....oh no pack." I stumbled on my words.

He looked at me, "What pack were you from?"

I swallowed, "The Moons Riverside."

"Oh I know that pack... My mate came from that pack." He looked happy at the mention of his mate then back to his calm self. "I know what happened. As much as any pack, I'm sorry for what happened. I know why you would be running but you can't run forever."

My wolf wanted to stay here I knew this. She like this alpha, and the boy with amazing eyes and even the alphas son, Peter. And the girl with the brown hair, Sera. She wanted to met the alphas mate and for once I competely agree. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying you are welcome to stay as long as you want. A few day to rest or permanently. Your welcome. You wouldn't be the first rogue we've adopted into our pack." He explained easily.

"Oh," I look at him. "I guess I could stay for a while."

The alpha smiled. "Let's go, I'll intrude you to our pack." He opened the door and let me walk though first then he took the led as we went around the corner we met the group from before along with a few others.

"So?" The alphas son, Peter asked.

"Grace is going to stay with us for a while. Grace this is my son Peter, he will be the next alpha when he turns eighteen." Steve told me and Peter stepped up and shook my hand. Then Steve started pointing the rest of the group off. "This is Samuel my son. Lanie, Serafina, Mark, Ryan, Jenni and Jaydon." He intruded them quickly.

Hi's and hey's followed their introductions. The guy with the amazing eyes name is Mark. It fits him. "I'm Grace." I told the group simply.

"Will you guys show her a room?" Steve asked them and they nodded. He turned and walked away. Leaving me standing with all these new people.

"So Grace where are you from?" The girl with black hair asked me, Jenni is her name I think.

"Um." I looked down.

"Hey don't worry about it." Serafina told me gentle. The boys escaped to watch TV or something as the two girls lead me up to what would be my room.

"So how old are you Grace?" Serafina asked me.

"16 almost 17, how about you guys?"

"Your the same age as Peter and Jay." Jenni observed, "And were 15 almost 16 our birthdays are next month."

"That's cool." The rest the way we made small talk about this and that til we got to my new room. "Would you guys like to come in?"

"Sure just for a while." Jenni said with a smile. Her smiles always reach her eyes and light them up. "So do you have a boyfriend?"

I smiled as I thought about the happy time I did have with my....ex boyfriend. Before he had broke up with me....before IT happened. "Uhhh I did. Not any more."

"I would but my brother is super protective." Jenni rolled her eyes as she flopped down on my new bed. It was pretty greens, reminding me of Marks eyes.

"Jay isn't that protective." Serafina defended him.

"Okay..." I laughed. Soon after that the two girls left to go find Lanie, I think was the name.

My room was all brilliant greens, it was magical. I loved it. I looked out a big window that had a window seat. Looking across the yard I seen two figures, a guy and a chick making out. Grossed out I quickly closed the curtains and layed in bed.

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