Chapter 14

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My silver fur kept away the cold breeze that seemed to drop colder each step of the paw. I tried talking to my wolf for company, as I had got used to having someone to talk to in the time I'd stayed with the pack. She was mad at me for leaving so she was giving me the silent treatment. Stopping at the edge of the packs territory I turned into human form. Staring down the hill I couldn't believe that it had been only a couple weeks since I had first went down and met Mark with the other group of teens. Honestly I wanted to stay, find out who my mate is, make friends, and well have a home.

'Then lets stay.' my wolf whined. Not even responding she knew taht we had over stayed out welcome, we weren't wanted there anymore. It was almost as bad as everything that had happened with our pack. Taking off the backpack I unzipped it and grabbed the necklace lacing it though my fingers.

"Who is our mate?" I mumbled to the necklace. It was, of course my wolf who answered.

'You know who.'

"No I don't! If I did I wouldn't leave him." After a pause without her saying anything back I knew what she meant. I was determined to find him. Even if it meant I would have to disappear for a while. I would come back if they would take me of course. Back in wolf form I run to the next town. Waiting at a bus stop I dug in the bottom of my bag I found the ring my mom had given me the year before for my birthday. The gold had been blessed to protect the wearer from mental attacks and the dark sapphire protected against being tracked or followed. Slipping on the ring and clipping on the necklace I felt like a new person. Like a Rogue again. Homeless.

Sitting on the bus I choose the seat farthest away from the others. There was a couple sitting in the middle of the bus kissing and muttering love sayings to each other. Glancing away and staring to look at the rest of the people my eyes met with one person. The girl was about 15 had burnette hair with blue tips. She looked like a normal teen and smelt like a normal human. But, I knew better and she knew I knew. Walking past her I felt her eyes follow my path to my seat that I claimed at the back of the bus. The second I sat down she was up and headed my way. Sitting down her blue eyes met mine.

"I know what you are." Staring me down she expected me to fold.

"I don't know who you are but you don't know anything about me."

"Number one, your a werewolf."

"And your a witch."

"Where's your pack?" She narrowed her eyes. "No werewolf travels alone, expectally using a human bus line."

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm a Rogue."

"Oh. Kicked out of your pack." Looking down her whole domineer changed. "I was kicked out of my coven."

"My name is Grace." I softly reached my hand out to her. The girl stared at it blankly then reached with a leather gloved hand gently shook my outstretched hand.


My wolf growled softly to me. "So you have a second power."

A sharp glace told me that I was right but it wasn't going to be told today. The bus had left the stop and was on it's way so soon Samantha was fast asleep. Soft grumbling slid from her lips with a little drool. Her head fell from the seat to my shoulder as her hair kept getting in my mouth. Instead of sleeping I payed attention to the other people on the bus. The girl from the couple was using her lovers chest as a pillow. There was a mother with black and blue bruises that fell across her face. Judging from the little girl she held in her arms she was running from an abusive relationship. I smiled point 1 for them and sent a silent prayer to the moon goddess to protect them, to let them escape for the rest of their lives. As the ride went along each person or group I came up with what I imagined as their story was.

Then I turned my attention to the girl beside me. Wondering what her story was. I couldn't imagine what it could be. Soon, hopefully she would tell her story.

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