Chapter 20

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Opening my eyes all I seen was a cracked ceiling. Sore was my entire body. What happened?

I tried to turn my head but all I got was a groan from the effort. Not only was everything sore but I couldn't move. Where was Sam?

Over my head there was something floating. Squinting my eyes, I tried to get a clearer vision. The thing move farther away from me. Suddenly, my world, literally, turned upside down. The ceiling was gone. Ground, solid, very solid, ground took its place.

I'm going to die! My heart beat faster. I neared the thing and pasted it. A feather? That's what I was so curious about.

As I neared the ground, all I could think was I dead over a silly feather. Laughing at the stupidity of it I hit the ground

Sitting up, gasping the cemetery came into focus. Blinking I realized it was just a dream.

The vampire was sprawled in a position that looked every painful. I crawled over to her. Turning her over, I see she was covered in cuts and scrapes. I still couldn't remember what happened.

Sam. Where is Sam? Looking around I couldnt see her. Stumbling up just to fall again. I had to get to her. "Sam!" I meant to yell but it came out more like a groan. At least I wasnt wounded like the vampire.

Just had amnesia. Damn...What else couldn't I remember. I remember the ghost being summoned and up to that point but nothing else until my dream. Was the ghost still here? Or did it go back to the spirt realm?

I tried to stand again: and, again, failed. So I opted for crawling. The leaves hid sharp sticks that cut my hands and knees. Thankfully I'd woren jean. Too bad I didn't wear the leather gloves Sam had gotten me.

My wolf was back. She came back to me. My heart lept with joy, though she was still angry with me. I know she didnt actually leave but the silent treatment for two weeks felt like she left.

"Get up!" She growled

"I can't." I cried out. Tears blurred my vision.

"You're going to get up right now. Our pack mate needs us."


"Yes, of course,  Sam. You left our actual pack."

I tried standing again. This time half succeeding. A gravestone was close enough to use to pull myself up the rest of the way. My tears dried on my face. Crying wouldn't help but I didn't have enough strength to wipe them away.

"Sam!" My voice could be heard, it wasnt loud though. Stumbling forward I tried to track her. All I could smell was grass and leaves. Sam's scent was no where.

"Wolf." A soft voice was behind me. The vampire had woke up. She whimpered. "Help, please. "

I stumbled over to her. "Where is Sam?"

"Help." She reached out to me. I just shifted away. "Fine! I'll help my-"

She was cut off by a coughing fit. Blood came up with the cough. Why was the vampire so weak? Did the ghost do this?

"He took her." She managed. Leaning down I wrapped an arm around her. I barely could get her up. She was heavy. My werewolf strength was not that strong yet. What did that ghost do to us?

"Where are we going?" I asked as we stumbled away from Louis' grave.

"The coven." She coughed again. So after a while, and only a little bit of our strength returned we finally stumbled onto the deck of the coven house. There was when I passed out from exhaustion.

The seemingly simple day turned out to be just like when my pack was attacked and killed. I couldn't let Sam die, too.

*                                    *                                   * 

Waking up again. I was getting tired of waking up. Honestly. My strength had returned sometime while I was asleep. The bed I was in was foreign to me. So, I sat up.

I was in a room. It smelt like witches. I laughed softly at that. The floor was cold to the touch. My feet were bare as were my legs. Someone had taken my toren up jeans and shirt. They had put on a yellow sundress in my normal clothes absence.

Plodding along, I slipped from my temporary room. The hall way had lots of other doors. I wondered where that vampire was. Everything was so quiet I could hear my feet plodding on the wooden boards.

The clock at the end of the hall was an old grandfather clock. 4:06 it read. Wow. Really early. No wonder it was so quiet. Since I was already awake I followed the hallway.

The staircase I came across ended in a grand hall. From here I could hear a piano. I was amazed that I couldn't hear it from up the stairs. Following the sound, I found the piano with a guy probably a couple years older than me playing it.

He stopped and looked at me with peircing green eyes. He looked so similar to a person I knew. But that wasn't possible. When he spoke, my heart dropped. "Grace?"

The ragged, messy, silver hair and green eyes. No it wouldn't be. He was dead. Tears fell down my cheeks as the hope and grief filled me. 'Please let it be true, Selene.' I begged the moon goddess.

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