Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

Mercy. My replica with a few differences. She has a round face with a small stature but hell! She's fully endowed. Her curves are so obvious and nice, which gains people's attention at first sight. She's friendly and nice and above all, she's a brilliant chap! She happens to be the Library prefect of her school which tells more about her intelligence. She's most times quiet but doesn't take nonsense. Her brown skin is spotless and a lovely sight to see. Apart from Jetemi, Demi and Rachel, she's the only person I talk and relate with in our room.

"Principal dismissed us from his office minutes ago so we came to rest a bit." Ife replied.

"Whatever. Principal asked to call you guys sha." Mercy said as she walked to her bed and began to change her clothes.

"Principal is back?!" Ife and Demi exclaimed at once.

"Since when." Flourish replied. "He came to class to ask for you guys but you weren't in, so he told us that when we're done with class, we should come and call you."

"Eh!" They exclaimed again. They turned to look at each other. "What do we want to do!" They chorused.

"Why are you guys terrified? Tell him you didn't see them nah. Is it more than that?" I replied.

"He's calling you too sef. Three of you." Flourish said as she tore the nylon of her chewing gum and threw it in her mouth.

"Me? When did he even come to class?"

"When your Maths teacher sent you to his office."

"So why is he now calling me?"

"Do I look like your Principal? Abeg." She replied and walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and turned to Demi. "Ehn, let's go." She nodded and dragged Ife with her as they walked out of the room.

Somebody's got a new friend and forgotten about me so fast?, I thought and sighed. I dropped my bag on my bed, walked out of the room and headed to the Principal's office. I was more than surprised when I entered the office and saw the guys on their knees. They were a bit many so it made the office stuffy and congested, though there was still little space for air. I walked to where Ife and Demi stood.

"You! You hung up on me. You don't even have respect!" Ife said to one of the guys as she poked his head.

"Guy, are you mad? People are here now, stop harassing me." He replied. I smiled as I looked at him.

Ever since he resumed, I've had my eyes on him. He's very close to Demmie and others so I was able to ask Fiyin and Dami about him. I discovered his name is Olabomi. He has this nice aura that reminds me so much about Demmie. I don't know what it is but they seem to have something in common that made me like him, the same thing that made me like Demmie before Demilade happened.

Ever since the Demmie and Demilade matter, I've been sort of sad and down. It took me a whole long while to get over Demmie. When Demilade told me Demmie said he has had a crush on her since her third week here, I felt extremely bad. He liked someone else ever since then and he used me to wile away time twice! It was unfair but I just had to let it go.

He has been trying to make it up to me for what he did but I just didn't really see why he should. I sure have forgiven him but it's just that the feelings still linger somewhere and makes me feel down and sad once in a while. Somehow, I feel unloved and used. Well, he is happy and Demilade is also happy and that's all that matters. He still hasn't asked her out yet and I don't know why he's taking long to do that. I mean, he's a fine boy and all and I don't trust those Great Leaders girls, they might want to try their luck with him whenever they have the chance to. Well, what do I know?

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