𝟬𝟳. 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆

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"How do I know you're not lying to me?"

Earlier on, Spy School 2~ Miles from Normal

"Fine Anders," Grayson started trying to finish our last conversation as nothing happened, "I'll tell you what I want,"

"And what would that be...?" I asked as innocently as I could.

Grayson sighed, "I want in," 


Chapter 6

1:40 PM

August 14

Top Secret CIA Academy of Espionage, Hammond Quadrangle

"I'm stuffed," Addy said while we were walking out of the mess.

"What do you mean stuffed! You didn't eat anything!" Max said.

"Forget it," Addy replied.

I still didn't tell my friends about what happened earlier today, I didn't know if I should or not. Many things could go wrong, maybe they get the wrong idea.

"Hey Char," Jackson said.

"What's up?" I said. When I looked up I saw Grayson. That's the last thing I needed.

"Grayson said he wanted to talk to you, so I really don't know," Jackson told me.

I sighed, "I'll be back in a bit,"

"Don't be too long with Grayson like last time!" Max teased, in which he received a not-so-hard-push from Addy resulting in Max falling from his chair. I did blush at his statement though, I'll admit that.

I began walking towards Grayson who was leaning against a wall observing everyone around him, "Did you tell anyone?"

"Gee Grayson, you're going to have to be more specific, there's a lot of things I haven't told people," I said sarcastically.

For the first time in the conversation, Grayson looked up and into my eyes, gosh he really had a way of manipulating people. I quickly looked away not knowing what I would say to those piercing green eyes, I already felt my face grow hot. What is wrong with you! Why can't you control yourself like earlier, oh yeah because you thought you were going to die, right. Alright, this needs to stop. I told myself already annoyed about the power Grayson had over me, which he probably didn't know he had.

I turned back towards him, "No. I didn't tell anyone about yesterday,"

"How do I know you're not lying to me?"

"Why would I lie about something like that?"

"I don't know, maybe so I could give you more intel that you're feeding to your friends."

"That's actually not a bad idea-"

"Ok fine! I get it!" Grayson said worried about what I could do.

"Wait, why do you want to know?" I asked.

"The fewer people know, the better,"

"Right," I said hoping to finish the conversation. Grayson looked at his watch, 1:44 PM, then mumbled something to himself. I didn't ask what it was though. Grayson then looked at the door on the far end of the hallway, then the one on the other side of the mess. It was just then when an older man sprinted through the doors at the end of the hallway- Cyrus. I was surprised how he could move so easily, considering his age.

"Grayson, Charlotte, you need to get out of here, now." His orders were quick and serious, it didn't seem like he was playing games. Grayson nodded, then took my hand and ran into another door in the hallway, which led to an empty classroom. The classroom was very spacious, with a door on the other side, which we quickly made our way to. On the other side was another hallway, but this time it wasn't empty. Two younger agents, at least I think, each sprinted their way towards us.

"Grayson," One of the agents said while nodding, in which her dark black locks moved a bit. I locked eyes with her ice blue ones for a second, they reminded me of mine.

"Charlotte, no time for introductions," The other added. I simply nodded while also making eye contact with his light brown eyes, he looked behind himself his brown hair following.

"Do you know where to go?" The lady said wanting to go back to business, Grayson nodded.

"Alright, we'll see you in a bit," The man finished. Grayson and I both nodded then we all went our separate ways. Grayson led me to, well- I don't really know. One moment I was in the same hallway and the next I was underground in a labyrinth full of...tunnels? The temperature surely seemed to drop; I really couldn't see either- at least until the next light. Grayson went through a door, bringing me with him, that inside had a Morgue looking thing. Not going to lie, I did feel the creeps when I went in, at least the devices inside weren't on.

Eventually, Grayson stopped running, "Now we wait, and keep on the lookout for whoever is coming,"

"Great," I said while slumping into a chair. I hated waiting if it was waiting to see the doctor to see if your healthy or not, or waiting to go on your favorite ride at an amusement park, I still hated waiting.

At that point, we heard footsteps, and many pairs of them.

"Which door is it-" The same voice from earlier said, I then realized it was that girl.

"It's so stupid, half the doors here are closets," The boy from earlier today said.

"Calm down," an adult said, for some reason, I recognized the voice, "It has to be here somewhere," As they got closer, I got stiffer. At some point, the footsteps stopped right outside of the door.

"What about here?" The boy said.

"Don't you ever listen?" The girl started, "We're looking for computers, not microscopes!"

"Fine," He said.

I felt myself ease a bit. I looked towards Grayson, but I didn't see him, "Dammit Grayson, where are you now?" I thought to myself. That's when I looked behind me, and there he was standing right behind my chair. I heard myself breathe out a sigh of relief, at least until I heard more footsteps. Yet, these I've heard before, but I couldn't remember where. That's when I heard a slump, someone has been knocked out. But this particular sound didn't come from right outside our door, it was farther down the hallway.

"I've got our man," The same black-haired woman from the hallway spoke. Another pair of footsteps came her way.

"Nice one," The other person we saw in the hallway before said, "Don't you think he's a bit too... well I don't know; it just doesn't really seem like our guy."

"Ha! Exactly that is why you let Carson getaway," She responded, which she only received a sigh in return. "He's our best bet right now, we can't let him get away," she finished.

It was then when I heard a knock on our door, then someone opened it. This, someone, was the same brown hair and eyes man who Grayson was talking to earlier, "Hey guys, the coast is clear," 


(word count: 1186)

Hey all! This was sort of last-minute- I didn't really get much time to write only until today. I'll tell you guys this today instead of Wednesday, The uploading of chapter 8 may come a bit late, with midterms that same week and all. Well, I just wanted to get that out. This chapter is a bit similar to the last because of the "one plot" thing.



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