𝟏𝟒. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐦𝐚

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Earlier on, Spy School 2: Miles from Normal,

I blinked a couple of times in surprise that I just open-mindedly complimented Grayson on his looks in my brain. I looked back at the homework laying on my desk.

I sighed, "I can't take this right now," I murmured to myself.

It was late, and a school night. I was overwhelmed with all the thoughts going through my head, the mission, Grayson, Jack, my subject list- it was all so too much. I needed to get out, escape reality for a while.

Yeah, that would be nice.


Chapter 14

Top Secret Academy of Espionage, Student Dormitories

1013 hours

I woke up due to the rays of sunlight piercing through the white curtains in my room. I was sitting at my desk, last night's homework spewed around me. I groaned while rubbing my lower back, which was in pain due to my uncomfortable sleeping position. I looked at my digital alarm clock, it read 10:14 am.

"Ten fourteen am," I groggily said, "Ten fourteen am! Oh no, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" I quickly got out of my chair and started running around my dorm room, bumping into furniture, trying to finish my homework and getting dressed all at the same time.


"Anders!" I heard Grayson shout from behind me. I was on my way to physical education, the first class of my day that I haven't missed yet, and I was already late.

"Oh, come on Millar, we've known each other for four days already and we're still on last name basis?" I replied in a mockingly manner.

"What are you doing in the halls?" Grayson said, ignoring my statement.

"I slept in and now I'm going to P.E."

"Have you seen Davis?" Grayson asked.

"Who-" I started, "Oh, you mean Addy?" Grayson nodded. "No, I haven't seen her."

Grayson sighed, "It's true then,"

"What's true?"

"What Lilith told me," he said. Lilith? Grayson and I aren't on first name basis but she is?

"What did she tell you?" I said, trying to hide the pang of jealousy.

"She said that she saw Davis sneaking out of campus two nights ago."

"That's impossible,"

"Not entirely," Grayson suggested.

I started to think of what I was doing two nights ago, "Two nights ago, you, me, Jack, and Max, we were all talking about the mole problem in Max's dorm."

Grayson nodded, "Yeah... we were,"

"Addy said that she was too tired to join us-" My eyes lit up. Grayson noticed this; I opened my mouth to share my discovery when Grayson put his hand over my mouth.

He looked around, after a moment he looked into my eyes, "Do you think you can miss a couple of classes today?"

It took me a while to realize what he was asking for, partly because he said that so low so only, I could hear, the other part because of how close he was standing to me.

My face heated up before I nodded.

He then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the other direction I was going. Grayson started to run causing me to trip a bit. The hallways were empty, so we didn't have to worry about someone telling us not to run in the hall. We passed lots of full classrooms until we eventually made it outside, and then back inside. This time we were in another building, Armistead Dorms. Grayson made a sharp left turn when we got to the intersection between the girls' and boys' side of the building.

Grayson started to slow his running pace as we went further down the hall. Eventually he stopped. He let go of my hand and started to unlock one of the many doors, dorm 203. I counted 13 locks.

"In here," he said under his breath while holding the door open for me.

"Such a gentlemen," I jokingly said, he rolled his eyes. I stepped into the dark room and went further in. The only light that came in was the hallway lights, yet Grayson closed the door and locked it, causing the room to be pitch black again. I felt Grayson's' presence behind me. He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Check for bugs," Grayson whispered into my ear from behind, I shivered. He removed his hands from my shoulders and started to check for bugs. I did the same. I felt under his desk, two bugs, and under his nightstand, one bug.

I made my way over to Grayson, "I didn't know you were so popular," I said while slipping the three bugs into his hand, I couldn't help but smirk.

"Get that smirk off of your face," Grayson said through his gritted teeth.

"What smirk?" I said. Grayson turned the lights on, my eyes took a while to adjust to the light. I looked around, Grayson's room looked like Jackson's, but he never unpacked, and left his bed undone. It was surprising, I always thought of Grayson as a clean person.

"If someone comes in here looking for me, they'll think I left in a hurry," Grayson said, answering my unspoken question.

"Right, because that'll make you look suspicious," I responded while sitting on his bed.

"I never thought of it that way," he said while opening his closet to look for something.

"Of course, you didn't," I sighed.

"Okay Anders," Grayson said after a little bit, "I found what we're looking for." Grayson walked over to me and sat beside me. He handed me a folder. "Lilith gave me this last night."

I opened the folder, inside was a dark picture of a blonde girl looking around to see if anyone was following her. It was a clear shot of her face. Whoever took the picture had perfect timing.

I gasped, "It is Addy," Grayson nodded. "But who took the picture?" I asked.

"I was thinking about that too," Grayson started, "I checked for fingerprints but the only ones I found were Lilith's, and someone else's."

"Who's?" I asked.

"They didn't have a match."

"That's weird." I said.


"What was Addy doing though?"

"That's where you come in," Grayson said.

"Excuse me?"

"You're going to figure out why she was there." Grayson said.

"What- why me?" I asked.

"Well Jackson or Max can't do it." Grayson argued.

"Why not?"

"I don't trust Jackson enough," Grayson started.

"So you trust me?" I asked.

Grayson's face heated up, he looked away from me, "I never said that,"

"Right," I rolled my eyes, "and why can't Max do it?"

"Well, Davis likes Max, and its obvious the feeling is mutual."

This surprised me, "They like each other?"

"Of course, they do, they're just too oblivious to the other's feelings."

I had no clue that they liked each other, but I totally think they'd be perfect together.

"I didn't know you liked to gossip," I said.

"Would you shut up with the snarky comments!" Grayson angrily said. I giggled.

"Okay, okay," I said in defeat, "How am I going to figure out why she was there?" I asked.

"That's entirely up to you," He responded, "just don't screw up."

And oh my god, when I tell you I screwed up.


(word count: 1145)

woahh its been a while, hey. loll sorry for the wait guys.

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