Chapter 52: Progress.

Start from the beginning


Zhu Mei decided to believe in Chen Huan, "Everyone take a three-minute break and we'll officially start again! Help us a few more times! Then the crew will treat you to a meal this afternoon!"


The group of students cheered.

They could act with the small empress and eat a sumptuous meal; their life was wonderful!

Chen Huan went to sit at his own seat.

He took a deep breath and began to think about Takashi Kashiwabara's acting again.

Be cold!

Be cold!

But he couldn't completely imitate him.

While he was training, he once more imagined female Fang Shu's embarrassed expression.

He kept thinking about the expression and felt that there was also a barely noticeable quickening of his heartbeat.

The three minutes passed quickly.

The teacher started his roll call again after Zhu Mei's order.


"Fang Shu!"



Two different voices resounded at this moment.

They looked at where the voices came from.

The eyes of the two people caught each other.

Amidst the laughter and discussion of the students, Chen Huan's face was cold but a light also passed over his eyes.

Han Dong'er put her hands on the table as she looked at Chen Huan with reddened cheeks and a look signifying annoyance and embarrassment.

They looked at each other for two to three seconds but their message was conveyed. Their respective expressions seemed appropriate this time.


"Good! Very good!"

Zhu Mei's voice loudly resounded, "This scene is done! Chen Huan, Dong'er, you guys finally did it! Everybody worked hard, let's all go for a meal! We'll continue in the afternoon!"


Chen Huan and Han Dong'er felt a sense of accomplishment after the successful take.

The next scene was the election of the class representative and the acting of both of them was much better this time.

Because of the teasing of the two people with the same name received, the other students deliberately pranked them and tried to make turn them into a couple. Those shallow pranks were also very popular and common in high school.

But the whole class's teasing deeply hurt and embarrassed the timid female Fang Shu.

Therefore, when the two of them were selected as 'librarians', female Fang Shu wept in tears while everyone else laughed.

The male Fang Shu didn't have a reaction while he was ridiculed by everyone but he couldn't bear it this time as he directly went up to the female Fang Shu and kicked down the male students who were mocking her for crying.

The male Fang Shu didn't even throw a glance at the female Fang Shu as he glared around at his classmates before leaving the classroom.

The expression of this scene was also in line with their acting at the beginning of the school year. The shy and embarrassed look of the female Fang Shu, the expressionless male Fang Shu, it was scene filled with pity.

In fact, there was another layer in that scene.

After the female Fang Shu's dad died and the male Fang Shu left high school, she went to school only to find out there was a flower pot placed on male Fang Shu's table.

Then a female student told her that male Fang Shu transferred out of school.

The female Fang Shu planned to get along with the male Fang Shu this semester but didn't expect to never see him again. With her fellow students' past pranks and the anger she felt inside, she took the flower pot and threw it to the ground.

Then she turned around and left the classroom under everyone's gaze.

At that moment, she couldn't understand how she was feeling.

But it was certain that she must have thought of the time when she and male Fang Shu met for the first time, when school just started and when male Fang Shu knocked down the students that were mocking her.

Returning to the present.

Chen Huan and Han Dong'er couldn't be said to be familiar with those situations but they still had some experience.

With training and adjusting their state of mind, they successfully shot the scene in five takes.

Zhu Mei thought it could still be polished a bit. Maybe the two of them would get better later.

But she also knew that pushing them too far wasn't good.

This was just their first day of acting officially. It was already great for them to be at this level.

This should be attributed to Han Dong'er being suitable for the role and Chen Huan being the author of 'Love Letter' and knowing the different characters mentalities and behavior. Otherwise they probably wouldn't have been able to shoot even one successful take that day.

They could afford to take it slow and let them get adjusted to the feeling of 'Love Letter' and that would be enough.

Because the critical factor of this movie was youthful and pure love, so their performance was crucial! 

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