What Did I Do?

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March 3, 1984
You were currently sitting bored at your house that is now a home for you and only you. Michael took off and left, you haven't talked to each other since that day.
You opened (Career choice business) in town and it has been pretty busy; so busy that you can't have but one day off a week. Today is that day, so you have nothing to do.
You slouched down on the couch thinking about what has been going on the past three months. Peanut jumped up on the couch and curled up in your lap. You started petting him as he purred, drifting into thought, going back to how you ended up in this situation.....

December 17, 1983
"Wow!!" You said as you stared at the outside of the club.

"You like it?? C'mon let's go inside, its cold out here," Michael said as he put his arm around your waist.

You walked in and saw all the people dancing and hanging out at the bar, people drinking and passed out everywhere. You weren't really used to it, you had never been to a club before. Honestly, some of it freaked you out. You weren't used to seeing so many people dressed so scandalously, it was a shock. It was all so new to you, but Michael comforted you through it all. He sat down at a table and you scooted in next to him.

"Why don't you go and dance? I know you love to," he said.

"Oh I don't know, are you sure?" You questioned.

"Positive. Go ahead, have some fun!" he insisted, ushering you out of your seat.

"Okay, okay!" You laughed as you walked out to the dance floor.

They started playing Party Train by The Gap Band. You started moving to the rhythm and all of the sudden some guy came up and started dancing against you. You were unsure at first but just danced along with him thinking that it was fine, that Michael knew you wouldn't do anything wrong. 

You weren't doing anything inappropriate moves to make the guy think anything. It was obvious that he was drunk, he reeked of alcohol and was weaving. The song ended and you thought he would go away, but he didn't.
He kept dancing around me for about 6 songs more. I glanced over at Michael who was watching him with fire in his eyes.

When the song ended you decided that you needed to tell this guy to leave, "Excuse me, but I have to go--," he cut you off by forcefully kissing you, the strong scent and taste of alcohol making you almost gag. You tried to push him off but he had a grip on both of your arms.

Meanwhile with Michael

Michael was getting sick of this guy dancing with his girl. It was okay the first two songs but after that his blood pressure was rising. This guy kept doing weird moves around Y/N trying to get her to respond, but she wouldn't. Michael smirked at how she was standing up to the guy in such a way. Mike was looking around trying to calm down the jealousy inside of him, until he looked back and saw Y/N and the drunk kissing.

"What the heck are you doing!?" He yelled at the man and Y/N. The drunkard looked at him but didn't stop kissing her. To Michael it looked like she wasn't even trying to move away, making Michael feel unwanted

Back to You

You decided to stop squirming because the more you did the harder his grip got, and he was so drunk that you knew he wouldn't feel you kick him. You heard Michael yell but you couldn't make out what he had said. Suddenly you felt a pair of arms on your waist pulling you back, "Michael! Thank God--," he cut you off.

"Y/N, why are you kissing this guy?!" he asked you, his voice laced with emotions.

"What? No! You don't understand, he--," he cut you off yet again.

"No, I understand perfectly! It appears that I am not good enough anymore!!" he yelled over the music.

"What??" You asked with confusion and pain. You felt my eyes start to well up with tears, "Why aren't you letting me explain?"

"What explanation? That's fine. If that is how you want it, fine," he spat.

"Fine!! I try to explain to you! I have always had this problem with you Michael! Your head is so hard that nothing gets through! And I have had it! You stubborn man!" You screamed.

"Oh really? Says the hoe who is kissing guys at a club when her boyfriend is waiting for her patiently at a table!!" he yelled.

You were taken aback, you weren't used to him talking like that, especially to you.

"What, nothing to say??" he challenged.

You slapped him, making him stumble back holding his face. It hurt you to do that but he deserved it. Calling you a hoe? Not letting you explain. He definitely deserved it. What had gotten into him?

You ran out of the club crying your eyes out as he followed. You were scared of what he was going to do or say next, so you ran faster. You unlocked your car and looked back at the man who once made your heart soar, "And you! You can call your mother to come get you for all I care, I am going home, away from you!! And I expect anything of yours to be out of my house by tomorrow night!!" You yelled and slammed the car door, driving off.

It started to rain while you were on your way home. You were sobbing all the way home. You ran inside to your room, throwing yourself onto the bed to cry yourself to sleep.

With Michael
He watched as Y/N drove off, standing there holding his stinging cheek. He was filled with anger yet sadness, confusion even, and to top things off it started raining. Michael just stood there in the rain; the images of what happened going through his mind over and over again, and all different kinds of questions followed.

How could this happen? Did I do something wrong? Is she really over me? Millions of things raced through his mind at once. 

He eventually walked back to the club to use the phone, calling Jermaine. He told him what happened and to come pick him up. Michael knew he had to get all of his things out of her house by tomorrow night.

Why did this have to happen??  Was what kept going through his mind the most.

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