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Once you got to the phone you stood there for a moment just staring at it. You finally picked it up, "Hello?"

Phone convo

???: Hi is Y/N there?

You: This is she, may I ask who is speaking please?

???: Guess.

You: Hmmmm... Let's see, oh oh I know! Stevie Wonder!

???: Ha no! It's me Michael!

You: Ohh no crap Sherlock?!

Mike: Ha ha I sense sarcasm.. Wow, your voice has gotten deeper since the last time I talked to you! But you are still country slain just like I remember.

You: Are you saying I sound like a guy? Rude, anyways what'cha been doing lately? Haven't heard from you in like four months!

Mike: Yea I know, I have just been so busy lately.. I just haven't had the time to call you even though I think about you all the time... I mean you and your family that is, heh...

You: Oh yea, I understand that your busy, it is the life of show business! Oh and about the "thinking of me" thing, don't be embarrassed, I just have that effect on people.

Mike: Ha Ha well that is for sure! And I'm glad that you're not upset about me not calling and stuff, I just don't want you to be upset with me.

You: Yea..... Anywa-

Mike: Hey one more thing.

You: Yea?

Mike: Go and open your front door.

You: But-

Mike: NO BUTS! Just trust me on this OK?

You: OK! Fine, but I better not have some monkey ninja thing jump out on me.. AND NO SPIDERS!!!

Mike: Don't worry, no spiders... And what is a monkey ninja thing?! Anyways bye!!

You: Wait-

Dial Tone

You were right at the door when he hung up on you. You looked at the phone kinda ticked off and confused, "Why in the heck did he just hang up on me like that?! After four months!! AHHH I don't get boys!!"

You opened the door, instantly dropping the phone as it bounced on its cord. Your eyes wide, your mouth agape, and your hand still in the position as if there was a phone still there.

"MICHAEL?!", You screamed.

He started laughing and dragged you into a hug. You finally got out of your daze and hugged back, seriously not wanting to let go of your friend. Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end, including that hug.

He looked at you, "Wow look at you. So pretty and- and girly!"

You blushed at the pretty part, then punched his arm playfully about the girly thing. You don't like being called girly. He rubbed his arm and made a pouty face trying to get you to say sorry. Didn't work, you just hit him again on the other arm and laughed, "And that is for not calling me!"

He smiled and shook his head. It was an awkward silence until you finally broke it, "Soo what do you wanna do?"

He shrugged, "I dunno what do want to do?"

You gave him a funny look, "Just like the old Mike, never knowing what to do. This is going to go on and on until our throats get soar!"

He laughed, man how you missed his laugh.

"Ok, alright how about we go bowling?"

Your eyes lit up, "Now you're talking! C'mon let's not waste any time!!" You said as you grabbed his hand and ran out the door.

"Whoa (Nickname), whoa!" he said running out of breath. You laughed as you ran to his house where his brothers were.

You ran in and stood there for a minute trying to catch your breath while chuckling at each others desperate pants for air to go through your lungs slowly.

All of the sudden you got crushed under a pile of boys.

"Oh come on! Can't a girl breath for five minutes!?" You yelled/gasped.

They all got up laughing, " Sorry Y/N, we just wanted to give you the old good to see you again crushing!"

You laughed, "Alrighty then, whatever floats your boat I guess... Anyways me and Mike need a ride to the bowling alley, first one to volunteer gets a free ice cream on me!"

You winced at how how loud it got in there.. "Me!!" here, "Me!!" there. You finally just reached out and grabbed an arm, eventually pulling Tito out from the group smiling like a mad man.

At that moment you thought Michael was going to pee his pants he was laughing so hard. You couldn't help but laugh along.

Afterwards we were on our way out the door and you heard all the "Awww's" coming from inside. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Tito stick his tongue out at the others. You smiled to yourself and rolled your eyes while he and Mike beamed happy smiles.

Tito was finishing off his ice cream while you and Mike bowled. You couldn't believe how good he was now, even getting a strike on the first shot.

And what did you get? Nothing but gutter... Ugh not cool..

Yea you finally got a strike on the last shot of the ENTIRE game! Mike won; every time he went, nothing but hands clapping and whistling.

Every time you went you heard nothing but laughing. Seriously, why are they so cruel to me? You thought. A couple of games later and many laughs at you, you both were back home about passed out in each others laps.

Mike's head was on your shoulder, which was in Tito's lap and his head was slung back on the back of the couch. Funny how this always seems to happen to you all when you hang, you always are bushed afterwards.

About five minutes into this, you heard soft snores from both Mike and Tito. You were starting to get uncomfortable from the positioning, so yours eyes started scanning for a way to get up.

Finally you saw help when Kathrine, pretty much like your second mom, came down the hall into the living room and saw you all. She tried to hold in her laughter, but it wasn't working too well which was starting to make you laugh.

I whispered to her to get the camera, that this would be good black mail if one of them ever messed with me big time. After she took the picture I pleaded for help.

She raised Mike off of you, thankfully he is a heavy sleeper. You got up and decided to stay in the guest room since it was so late. You called your parents to let them know you were staying and got ready for bed.

While laying in bed you thought of how nice it was of Mike to surprise you like that and the memories of today that would stay with you forever. You kept thinking these things until you drifted to sleep, ready for your dreams to take you to another land.

Rock With Me (Michael Jackson X FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now