Can't Live

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Next Day

You woke up with a crick in your neck from sleeping in the uncomfortable chair next to Michael's hospital bed.

He was still asleep, so you decided to go into the waiting room and call Janet to ask her what happened.

You found out from her that he had got his head burned when his hair caught on fire during a Pepsi commercial gone wrong.

You couldn't believe it. He doesn't even like Pepsi! This is all his father's fault for making him do this.

You went back to his room and saw that he was awake, "Hey sweet heart. How ya feeling??" You asked walking over to his bedside.

He yawned and grabbed your hand, "It stings a little, but the medication helps."

You nodded, "Yea, if it wasn't for that stuff I would've been outta luck when I broke my arm."

"I wanna go home.." He said looking down.

"I know. But you gotta stay here until it is better."

He groaned and covered his face with a pillow.

"Michael!" You grabbed the pillow and slung it laughing.

He laughed, "I missed you so much!! I can't imagine ever living without you."

"Awe... I love you too." You leaned down and kissed him, "I'm just sad that it took something like this happening to bring us back together."

Michael grinned, "Worth it."

Little did I know what Michael had planned....

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