Warm water

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Phil POV

It's been around twelve-ish minutes walking with the small boy beside me and my large umbrella above our heads. They kept a good fast walking pace, I only had to slow down slightly which was a nice change since all three of my other boys are slow-walkers. Turning around the block corner, the house was insight.

I actually took part in building the somewhat large house, I never expected to be living in something I assisted in building but here we are. It's a beige coloured brick and stone house, it has a white garage door on the right side that sticks out from the actual house a bit, it has two floors, three of the upper rooms with windows with varying sized windows. Bushes lined the driveway and lanterns were on each corner of them.

The house itself has five bedrooms, three upstairs, two on the main floor. We were using one as a guest room but I now have a plan for it to be tubbo's room. Three of the bedrooms have their own bathrooms and there's another bathroom for each floor. We have a den/ workspace room where we keep instruments and art supplies, it also has a large window. The most used rooms in the house are the living room and kitchen of course. The dining room is right behind the living room and beside the kitchen, and we use the attic as a storage space.

Walking toward it, only a house away now, i decided to let Tubbo know we're here. Turning to the bot beside me, he looked zoned out staring at the ground with his dull eyes. "Hey Tubbo?" they jumped slightly as their head shot up and toward me, i chuckled a bit and continued. "we're here lil buddy." I gestured to the house we were now walking in the driveway of.

He looked almost shocked as he looked up at the house. "You live here?! It's huge!" he expressed his shock with the loudest i've heard him talk yet, which would be quiet for literally anyone else.

I chuckled again and I reminded myself that I didn't tell him about his new housemates. "Now would probably be a good time to mention that i don't live alone here." They looked up at me as I closed my umbrella and took out my keys. "I have three sons, two adopted and one blood related. I'll order dinner and you can meet them all properly then okay?"

He nodded and I smiled at him, twisting the key and opening my front door. I hung my coat up on the rack and held my hand out for Tubbo to hand be their coat as well, they simply shook their head at me and I shrugged it off, letting them keep the jacket soaked through. I walked further inside, the sound of my footsteps alerting whoever is in the living room that I have come back from my small trip.

I guestered for Tubbo to follow me and he made his way to my side as I walked. I've only been inside for a good thirty seconds and yet one of my sons is already calling for me. "Phillllllllllll, please tell me you brought dinner, techno hasn't left his room all day which means he hasn't eaten"

Immediately recognizing the voice as my eldest son Wilbur I told him the new plan for tonight. "No sorry will, you're just gonna have to stay strong a little longer as I order pizza or something, besides i met a new friends while i was out.'' I replied walking into the living room seeing wilburs head shoot toward me as a reaction to the last thing I mentioned.

Realizing Tubbo hid himself behind my left arm, I lifted it for Wilbur to see our new housemate. Tubbo waved shyly at Will and proceeded to look at the hard wood floors as if they were more interesting than what was going in around him. "Do you mind getting Tubbo here a towel while I show him his new room?"

Will simply nodded, eyebrows knitted in confusion as he looked at the rain drenched boy. He got up from where he was sitting and went off to the laundry room to fetch a towel. I then made my way up our wooden stairs with the young boy following shyly behind.

Once at the top of the stairs, the path splits into two, going left is my middle son's room, techno, and the second floor bathroom. To the right was the guest room or soon to be Tubbo's room if all goes well, and my youngest child, Tommy's room across from that. Tubbo followed me to the room on the right, inside it had a nicely sized window with a large ledge, neatly made bed, desk, closet, side table, and a singular Heart-leaf philodendron hanging on the wall to the right of the window. On the left wall was the entrance to the washroom.

"Do you have a dry change of clothes with you son?" I simply asked the young boy, the word 'son' slipping so naturally off my tongue as I asked. they looked at me and nodded before searching through their satchel and pulling out an extra set they had inside of the brown worn bag. "Excellent, will be here in a moment with your towel. The shower is in that room to your left, have a nice warm shower, clean yourself up, take as long as you need okay? Just leave the clothes you're wearing now outside the door so I can wash them for you."

He nodded in understanding what I said and Wilbur walked in with a dark green towel in hand, handing it to tubbo. "Thank you'' Tubbo spoke, their voice barely above a whisper, they then turned to the bathroom and locked the door behind them. I decided it was best to leave him for now and order that pizza.


Tubbo POV

I let out a large sigh, propping myself up on the locked bathroom door, closing my eyes as I did. 'This is all so much to take in....' i thought to myself, leaving that sentence to hang there in my mind for a little bit longer than necessary. After a few more seconds of just staying like that, I huffed and put the dry towel on the toilet cap. Turning on the shower I then got out of my completely soaked through clothes and took off the bandages going up my left arm that were dampened by the rain. 'Hopefully this place has more of those bandages'

I stepped into the shower, letting the steaming water roll down my bruised and beaten body, my muscles relaxing under the heat. The water felt so nice on my skin, as the water rolled down it brought all the dried blood and dirt on my body with it, leading it down the drain. It's been so long since i was at peace like this, feeling so warm. I don't want to think about what's happening around me, about if i can trust these people, about if this place is safe. I just let the warmth consume me.

About ten minutes into my shower I used the variety of soaps laid out in front of me, Washing my hair, skin, face, arm. Rubbing shampoo into my scalp and using the same warm water to wash out the soap, I still loved the feeling of that heat hitting my exposed skin.

Time ticked slowly in that shower, as if the universe was giving me a small break, i thought that it was best not to waste all the hot water on my first day here and turned off the running warm water. using the soft green towel that Wilbur gave me to dry off and once dry i slipped on my underwear, shorts, and hoodie. 'Guess it's time to meet everyone...'

'I really hope they're nice.'


ahhhh, didn't really feel like writing today but I wanted to get a part out today so here we are. I'm so glad it's finally Friday, if anyone stops me from sleeping in tomorrow I will personally punt them into the sun.

anyway, let me know what you think so far! I should be posting semi frequently once winter break hits too. 

hope you guys are having a great day <3

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