Death like Sleep

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Tommy POV

I'm really not sure how much time has passed, all I know is that Tubbo and Phil are still out, the sun is setting and I'm dead. My mind hasn't been able to quiet itself after finding out, the words echoing in my head infinitely.

I keep finding myself looking down at the palms of my hands or touching a large mysterious scar I have on the side of my body that suddenly makes sense. My world is spinning along with the words in my head.

It shouldn't be possible should it?

Coming back from the dead I mean.

Or even being dead while being here in Wil's case I guess.

I still don't understand why I was brought back, or why Wilbur is a ghost, or who, or why, or where, when, HOW????

My nails dug into my arm unconsciously, the thin layer of surface skin peeling away revealing a newer layer underneath. I stare out the window, the sun's bright flame burning my retinas making me squint. This whole world is full of life, the green grass, the unique animals, the people, even the small organisms. But what happens when life is taken away? When you die?

I am dead.

No one knows, religions believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, others think the void is what's left waiting for you, eternal nothingness, some believe you stay on earth as a ghost. Nothing has ever been proven. It is one of the beautiful mysteries of the world and life, it was meant to stay like that.

I am not supposed to be an exception to that rule.

I am dead.

My nails dig deeper into my arm, specks of blood shine through my ripping flesh, though my mind is not concentrated enough to pay attention to that, no, my brain says that the afterlife did not accept me. The void rejected me. Life's chains did not seem to unlock.

I am dead.

What mortal force dares to toy with the rules of the universe?

The world will spot the flaw in the system soon enough, and all flaws must be fixed.

Finally my skin breaks and my mind catches up to the present. I am bleeding, my fingernails covered in the shimmering crimson liquid. A light pain is present as streaks of blood roll slowly down my arm.

I bleed.

I bleed because I'm alive.

My heart beats because I continue to live.

The world is broken but yet I stand able to tell a story. I am a tale to be told though I still do not have an ending.

I am a sequel.

A part two to an amazing legend.

A grin plasters itself across my face. My bloodied hands reach up to my hair and grip tightly around two chunks of the messy blond locks. I can hear someone clackling as tear tracks make their way onto my face and I tug on my hair, pain surging through my scalp.

It takes a moment of watching through my blurred vision as tears drip onto my lap but I soon come to realize that the laughter was from my own mouth and there's a knock at the room door. Someone calls from the otherside of the wooden plank but their voice is just background noise to the symphony inside my head, voices on voices, screaming at each other.

Some of my laughs are cut off by rudely interrupting sobs and violent sniffs as the door creaks open by a blurred hand. A face peaks in and the attached body makes their way toward me, they cry out to me and how glorious it sounds with the laughter, like a flute with drums. My orchestra of pain and misery, solely located in my adopted brother's bedroom.

The figure grips my hand and removes them from the top of my head, bringing them down to my sides. "I BLEED!" I joyously scream at the person in front of me. "I LIVE BECAUSE I BLEED!"

My head is brought to their chest as I'm brought into a hug, the warm embrace turning more of my crooked laughs into loud, obnoxious sobs. My arms float up and reciprocate the hug, gripping onto a wool sweater.

Before I know it I'm falling asleep, to a pocket dimension where our conscious beings float in space, like death we stay there until the sun rises.

I don't know the exact moment I fell into that unconscious realm. 


was anyone wondering what was going on with Tommy? no? oh well uhhhh

well now he's partly insane :) 

sorry this chapter is a little short, I was being peer pressured to write more (I'm looking at you Gum, 11.) (before you readers go commenting "thats rude" it was out of love so shush.)

see you next time beloveds!

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