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Tommy POV

"Neither are we..."

Wilbur's voice rang through my head and my eyes widened in shock. What did he mean by that? Are we hybrides like dad, tubs and tech? Or- something else? 'Why didn't I know? How didn't I know?! Why am I only finding out about this now out of any time in the world?!'

The room stayed silent as my thoughts tried to assist me in figuring out the questions the simple sentence made. But I found no answers in my desperate search. "H-how? Why?!" I spoke aloud to which Wilbur looked toward Techno, a hopeful question in his eyes that I couldn't make out.

I saw techno sigh but heard no sound come from him. His back straightened before speaking. "Tommy by this point you know that Phil isn't our biological dad-"

"No shit." I cut him off briefly.

"Right. And Phil has reason behind almost all of his actions, in this case that action was adopting you." my gaze falls to the floor, i keep listening but im finding it more difficult to look him in the eye and put this all together at the same time. "When Phil found you, you had just returned from, well- the beyond..."

I could feel my face contort from shock. It felt as though my soul had left my body- or- it already had? I'm dead? "I-I-I'm- I'm-" my brain was going a million miles an hour. I can't keep up let alone talk or form words.

"I know that sounds bad!" Wilbur stepped forward and spoke. "But it's not as bad as you may think! So to clear things up a little, you are not a ghost nor zombie nor phantom or something of the sorts. You were a normal kid that had been hit by a car that was going over the speed limit and you didn't make it..."

Things are getting weirder by the second, I can feel tears prick the sides of my eyes. I'm not human. They lied to me? No no. why would they lie? It is not really lying is it? It's just- protecting me! Yeah that must be it! "T-then- how am i?"

"A necromancer." techno speaks with a layer of acid spilled over his voice, enough to kill anyone who comes in contact with it. It's the scariest I've ever seen Techno and that says something.

I'm not really alive

The room went dead silent for a short moment but I still needed answers, so I kept asking them. "Who?"

"An old..." a pause. "Allie. His name was Clay but he went by Dream. He brought you back and then retreated like the coward he is. After he left Phil found me crouched by your side, you were unconscious and we brought you home, then Phil raised you as his own.


It seems like a sensitive subject so i decided not to press about the details. "And will?"

Wilbur's head shot toward me as I shifted to face him again. "I uh-" he spoke nervously. "I'm a- a  ghost."

Shock ran though my body. A? Ghost?

Before I got the chance to ask about anything he started again. "I know what you're going to ask, and i don't like talking about it. So I'll just give you time to process. Okay?"


It took a few seconds before I found the ability to nod in understanding. With that Wilbur headed for the door, Techno followed not far behind. Just before Techno left completely he turned to face me. "Just- yell if you need anything..." he tailed off and shut the door behind him.


Leaving me.

With my thoughts.

Surprising me though, the walls of my mind didn't echo or chatter, they were quiet, only muttering the odd word or two. I didn't know what to think. I'm not sure how to start wrapping my head around it all.

So I did the only thing I could think to do.

Sit there.

It didn't bother me that I never left Tubbo's room, the fact didn't even occur to me within all the chaos.

Small streaks of tears rolled down my face as I sat. though i couldn't decide what emotion i was feeling, if there was one at all, so tears didn't make sense.

I tried whipping them off but they just multiplied in numbers like a hydra. Before I knew it i was in a full on sobbing sesion that didn't make sense to me.

The only thing that could run though my mind were the simple words...

'I'm dead" 



heyyyyy guyyyyyyssssssss... 

been awhile huh? 

sorry about that. school and personal life stuff, also writers block soooo yeahhhhhh

I'll try and get out another chapter soon! thanks for you concern! bye! 

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