Chapter 4

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I wake up to a sound of whispers. I look over and Ashley isn't in her bed. I quietly sit up and peek through the slits of Palm leaves that remade the curtain. I look over at the fire and watch as Drake adds more wood and Ashley watches with the weasel in hand. I listen very close and pick up the conversation.

"He is so beautiful isn't he?" Ash asks as Drake slowly pets the animal. So I guess it's a boy.

"Ya." Drake whispers.

Ashley pipes up, " I think I will name him Spike, since that's where we found him."

"Ha, that's clever." Drake smiles at her and then goes silent. I roll my eyes, that is such a common name to give a pet, not very clever.

As I listen I hear a quite psst from the boys recently built side. I look over and see that Chase was watching too. He points to them and then makes a kissy face. I smile and let out a breath of air. He smiles at me and then look back at them and his mouth drops and he goes back into his den.

I look over and see that Ashley and Drake are kissing! I crinkle my noes and then go back inside my little habitat. I know I'm old enough to like that stuff, and I do at some points, it's just I don't like watching it, ew.

I lay back down and try to head back to sleep. As I do, I hear movement coming to the door of the girls side. I act asleep as she crawls in. She slips under her palm leaf and then stops moving, assuming that I was asleep.

I think Chase did the same thing because after that there was no longer any noise other then the popping of the fire and the movement of Spike.

I stare at the leaf wall next to me. I fall in with The patter of the weaving, counting every row, until I get confused, not knowing if I counted that one or not. I can't seem to sleep, so I sit up and hug my knees. I rest my forehead on the top of them and just close my eyes and listen, listen to the sound of the animals in the forest behind me and the fire popping In front.

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