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The sun streamed through your windows and curtains and awoke you. Your e/c eyes fluttered open and looked around the room and your surroundings. It had been perhaps 1 am when you had gotten home last night and you had been pretty out of it. You felt your hair along your backside that had fallen almost all the way to the floor. You hadn't felt like this for a long time. The sunlight and duvet felt so warm and comfortable on your skin, to the point you didn't want to get up.

After tossing and turning for ten minutes or so, you lifted yourself up and put your feet on the soft, carpeted ground. It felt nice on your feet and warm. Getting up, you rubbed your eyes and some of your forearm muscles. Last night had been pretty exhausting and today you really didn't want to do anything. Taking off your clothes, you looked over at the clock, it was only 7 am but it felt much later. Once you were undressed, you picked out a pair of light blue jeggings and a pink sweater. It was rare for you to wear anything other than a dress or a skirt, but you didn't care too much today. You thought of the things you could do today and your mind went blank. Thinking of nothing, you got a call. Looking at your phone, it was Wolfie. You smiled and instantly picked it up, answering him.

"Hello y/n. It's only been a couple of hours but I already miss you. How long have you been up? I hope I'm not annoying you too much or if I awoke you." Wolfie said, you could hear the German sweetness in his voice and smiled, maybe you could spend the day with your favorite person after all.

"Oh Wolfie, you could never annoy me, even if I did just wake up thirty minutes ago. I'm doing well, but I don't have anything to do today. Do you have anything going on? I'd love to see you again." You said, praying he was off and maybe you two could have lunch, or maybe come over to your house.

"My schedule is clear and my parents are out on a four day trip to Saint Louis, so we can have as much as four days to ourselves. Do you have any ideas on what you'd like to do? I'm starting to get bored, and I miss you, my y/n." He said, wanting to do something you wanted. You had done so much, hiding your identity so his stuck up father wouldn't know that he wanted you to just have some fun, you were in a loving relationship, not in witness protection.

"My mother has a hair appointment at 9am, so I'll have the house to myself. We can just sit around and talk then get some lunch, and maybe, if you like, I could sleep with you tonight in the Vaile Mansion? Hmm, what do you say?" You asked, humming along a bit, trying to sound convincing as possible, especially at the end.

"I say absolutely yes! That sounds like a great idea, my y/n. I can be there at about 9:30 am, just in case, is that time good? I could always come a little while later, your love is worth the wait." Wolfie said, making you blush like a tomato despite being December. You loved how he'd make sweet comments about you. You swore, this was the best a girl could get.

"Yes, I'll make sure my mother is out by then and we'll have quite the swell time. I love you Wolfie, more than words can describe. I only wish I could express my emotions the way you did with music." You said, smiling. You loved these moments. They were private and so intimate, even if it was just a simple phone call, it was special to you.

"I love you more, and if you'd like me to teach you music, I'd always teach my favorite girl without one question asked. Don't force your mother out though, I'd hate for that to happen. I'll see you soon, my love." He said, then hung up. You leaned back on your wall and sighed a happy sigh. You were excited to have a full day with your lover. You'd also get to sleep with him tonight, nothing s**ual, of course, you wanted to save yourself for marriage and Wolfie had never really spoken to much of it. You were honestly terrified of the concept of it, but you knew Wolfie, if it did happen, he would be gentle and loving with you, he was probably good in bed...

Jung und Verliebt (Young and in Love)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora