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Early April, a rainy Thursday

You looked outside, watching the rain stream down the widow. It was early April. It rained. It had been raining on and off for the past few days, with the sun rarely coming out except for perhaps early morning.

It was still cold out, due to the constant downpour, but soon the sun would come out and you could bathe in it's warm light and love. But for now, you were stuck inside, sitting on an old couch, your face almost pressed to the glass. You had been reading something on music, perhaps on Beethoven, but you had lost interest, and the gentle yet heavy rain caught your attention.

So sighing, you put in a bookmark and stared into the drizzy abyss. It was oddly calming to the current state of the world, well not really the world, but to you it felt like the world. You'd been thinking of the events that would soon take place.

You'd been thinking of when the time would come and the news would come around to his father, or more specially, when you and Wolfie would tell him. You weren't excited for it, but you knew it would soon happen.

Leopold had been home at the Vaile mansion for the past few weeks. You had avoided him at all costs, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. Despite that, you had spoken some more with Wolfie's mother, Maria. She was a plump woman, short, very German, and that came out in the way she spoke to you. She seemed sweet and kind, much like Wolfie. You were honestly thankful he had turned out more like his mother than father, but glad he had his father's musical abilities.

While thinking these things, you looked down at the ring Wolfie had gifted you. Whenever you were sad or felt tired, you'd look down at the ring and smile. It reminded you of his deep love for you. It made you think back to Christmas when you had a concussion and he had rushed to come see you, and make sure you were okay. You never thought you'd find someone quite like him, so caring, so sweet, but you had somehow.

Things like this made you smile. You felt like life was going in the right direction. In a year or so you'd have your degree, you had a sweet German lover, and Viola, a great friend. You weren't sure how much better it could get, well maybe if your mother was here, that'd be nice.

The rain was coming down a little harder now, which made you sigh, you so wanted it to be sunny, but the sound could be very nice to hear. Laying down your head, you heard a knock on the door. Getting up you wondered whom it could be, but you expected it to be Wolfie. Opening up the door, it was Wolfie.

He looked a little on edge, which made you frown. He seemed pensive, as if he was waiting for something or something bad had happened. You beckoned him in and closed the door behind him. He stood in the middle of the room, not saying anything. He had more of a serious look down, as if he had some bad news for you. You sat down on a couch across from him, waiting.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you. I have something very important to do with you." He said. Wolfie sat down on the same old couch with you and took your hands in his.

"Wolfie, you can tell me. I trust you, it's fine. It can't be that bad." You said, looking into his eyes. Wolfie took a deep breath and began;

"Well y/n, my father is in a good mood, and I've been thinking about telling him about you and me. I think today would be a good day. I just finished working on some music with him and he appears to be in good spirits. He is currently in one of the sitting rooms checking over a recent Opera. I was thinking we could go now, and I could warm him up in a conversation and then you could come in and we could tell him together." Wolfie said, his eyes deep into yours, expecting an answer. You didn't respond though, you didn't have much to say, you agreed with him, but you were nervous, but you knew you could do this. You had survived a concussion and your mother passed on, you could do this.

Jung und Verliebt (Young and in Love)Where stories live. Discover now