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You looked around from the top of the arches in the opera house. It was even more beautiful from the top floor. You could see every little detail from up above, at first it scared you, but you started to like it due to the fact you could see everyone. There was painting by the chandelier of the twelve disciples and of the Lord. It had extreme detail and it looked like it had taken at least five years to paint. You wondered how it could have gotten up there in the first place. You would've been too scared to go up on a latter or something of that kind. You could also see all the people from the top floor.

Most people were dressed very nicely. Most looked as if they were from noble or rich families, nothing like you, but it was fun to look at the people like a hawk and wonder if Wolfie by chance knew them. Some of them looked European, when you had entered the building, some people had been speaking French, Italian, and even Russian. You hadn't spoken much to anyone, other than Wolfie for a couple of minutes so he could tell you what to do. He told you when a woman named Miss Ambino, an Italian opera singer was called, for you to come to the backstage and that when she was done, you'd perform. You were nervous, you knew it was only a rehearsal but you were still scared. It was mainly because Leopold, Wolfie's father, was there. You were nervous about the fact he might recognize you or not like your voice, the worst would be both, but you prayed to the Lord you'd be too far away that he wouldn't recognize you.

You were currently listening to a woman by the name of Miss Itez, an Opera singer from what you believed was Spain. She had a high pitched voice that was somewhat shaky. She was singing in perhaps Italian, to your knowledge, a language you didn't know but thought was beautiful. She had dark brown eyes, black hair, and a slim figure. There was no denying she was quite a beaute. You knew you didn't compare to even one of the women in the whole entire Opera house in terms of beauty, but Wolfie had told you most Opera singers are quite gehassig. You didn't really know what that meant, but he said it in a negative way so you didn't think it meant anything good.

You listened to her voice as she sang her beautiful song. It went with many violins and some French horns. It made the music you would hear perhaps with the Seraphim angels in heaven. You knew nothing about classical music, but you knew Wolfie must be an amazing composer to hear the things he made. You wondered how he could make something so beautiful because he was only 23 and a man at that. You watched Wolfie as he moved his arms and conducted the orstecha. He moved so gracefully as if it was second nature. You looked down and saw the whole orchestra moving in unison and full of grace. Their movements were so full of energy like a bright light.

After a long time of their beautiful songs until it stopped and everything went silent for a couple of seconds then the whole room erupted in applause, you clapped along also. After the clapping was gone, the name Miss Felicia Minera de Itez was called and the orchecha got out new books to play their songs. You recognized the voice and saw the nearest staircase. You started to go down the stairs as fast as possible and made your way to an old wooden door, the entrance to the backstage. You knocked and waited for the door to open, you hoped you weren't late.

"Hello. Are you by chance Miss Lottie Chateau? We've been expecting her." A lady said, once she had opened the door. She had green eyes, blonde hair, a slim figure, and had an accent you had never heard before.

"Yes, I am Miss Chateau, I'm sorry I'm a little late. I was up on the top floor and should've gone down sooner." You said. You made your voice a little higher pitched, just to be sure you fit in more with the other women.

"You're not late, but Mr. Mozart was starting to get a bit worried, he talks about you a lot." She said. You almost laughed when she said, 'Mr. Mozart' it was just so weird to hear him be called that. You knew he would despise being called that.

Jung und Verliebt (Young and in Love)Where stories live. Discover now