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When you went home, you felt an excited, happy, feeling in your stomach. You were glad Viola was right. The more you thought about Viola, the more it made sense that they had been together. No wonder she knew that he liked you. She had set it up to some degree.

It was late when you got home, completely dark and the moon was out. You crept in quietly, so as to not wake your mother. You did your best to quietly take a shower, feeling sticky. You put on a light blue shirt and old shorts. Tomorrow was Saturday, so you could sleep in for once. You flopped down on your warm, soft bed and closed your eyes. You pulled up the sheets and covers and sighed. You only had to wait two more days until your meeting/date with Mozart. You had no idea what he would do, but you knew it'd be good being Wolfie and all. You fell asleep thinking about him, it was nice to have someone to care about.


10 am, next morning

You woke up late, the sun screaming at you to wake up. Your hair was frizzy and an utter mess. You rubbed your eyes, they were red from last night. You stretched out your legs and arms then made your bed. You took off your sleeping clothes and threw them in your laundry basket. You then made your bed and folded your blanket.

You searched through your closet and found a skirt with flowers on it and a long sleeved black shirt. It was plain and modest, but it would do. You put it on and unruffled the skirt. You looked in the mirror, you felt a tinge different today, and you weren't so sure what it could be. Perhaps because it was Saturday, but that could never be it, you knew why, and that reason was Mozart. You loved thinking about him, especially after what had gone down last night. You had, 'a boyfriend' per say, though you hated that word. You preferred the words, 'lover, or partner,' but the word boyfriend just sounded so informal, like you didn't really like him.

You didn't have anything to do, and your mother was already off with some of her old lady friends, so you considered maybe going out with Viola for lunch. You wanted to tell her about last night and how kind Mozart was to you. She would tell you that she had told you and that you both will be a beautiful couple, but you were a little worried that she wouldn't keep it a secret. You didn't want even your own mother to know about you and Wolfie, who knew who Viola would tell, she was quite chatty.

You grabbed your phone and dialed up Viola.

"Hello, y/n, is something wrong? You usually don't call this early." Viola said, some concern in her voice.

"Oh no, nothing is wrong, actually everything is great. I have to talk to you, in person. I have some important news to tell you, but when I tell you, you can't tell anyone about it though." You said, excitement in your voice.

"Oh yay! Where can we meet? I can't wait to hear what you have to say." Viola said, pacing around her large room and looking out of the window.

"How about Perkins? We can get a table in the back and chat there. And there will only be old people for the most part." You said.

"Oh, that's perfect! I'll be there in thirty minutes. Bye y/n." Viola said, hanging up.

You grabbed your purse and headed out the door and into your car. You drove your way to Perkins. It was only about a twenty minute drive, but it felt shorter, because you were excited to tell Viola the news. You went in and got a table. You sat down and waited patiently for Viola.

You saw her and waved her over. She smiled at you and walked over. She gave you a hug and sat down across from you.

"So what is it! You usually never have anything this exciting going on, no offense of course." Viola said, after ordering orange juice and French toast. You ordered a stack of pancakes and some water.

"Well, you know how last night I told you about Mozart?" You said, taking her hands in a friendly way as if you were teenage girls back in middle school.

"Yes, well what happened between you two young sweethearts? Tell me already y/n! You're killing me." Viola said, her eyes full of excitement.

"Well, last night he took me to a private little room and told me you two were actually in a relationship." You said, giving her a bit of a smug look.

"Oh, um about that." Viola said, laughing nervously at you.

"Oh, Viola, I'm fine with the faceted you were together for a while, really I am, and anyway he told me both of your fathers arranged it, so I'm not mad at you. But anyway, he told me he liked me, but there is one problem, and Viola please don't tell anyone about it." You said.

"I promise I wouldn't tell a soul, I know my father wouldn't like it to see my friend in a loving relationship with the man he arranged me with." Viola said. She was happy for you.

"Well, his father probably wouldn't like me. Wolfie told me it's because I'm a common American, I don't speak German, and I'm not very well educated. Things his father doesn't like, I suppose." You said, sighing a bit.

The waitress gave you your food and tickets and you both started to eat. You began on your fruit, it felt good around your throat.

"Don't let that get you down, y/n. Just try your best to keep it private and it'll probably be okay. I know it will be hard, you working at the Vaile Mansion from Monday to Wednesday, but if you need any help, at any time, I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure your relationship stays secret with him." Viola said.

"Viola you don't have to do that, I don't want you to worry about me, and it shouldn't be hard to keep a relationship secret, right?" You said, your last statement a bit unsure.

"Well, you see y/n, dealing with the higher up folks can be somewhat difficult at times. They all act like they love each other and all, but in reality, most of the families are corrupt and hate each other with a burning passion, and well, if someone, especially a son marries outside the circle of wealthy families that that family knows, it can often cause controversy, and the father of the son is usually the most persistent on the couple not ending up together. It's quite sad really." Viola said, sadness in her voice, like she had known it herself, or maybe someone she knew, you could never really know, her kind of people had so much going on.

"Viola, have you, by chance, ever known anything like that to happen? I only thought that happened back in the 1800's and before that." You said, lifting one of your eyebrows in curiosity.

"It still is alive, but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be, though the fathers seem to follow the most stubborn path of controlling their sons, for some odd reason. But yes y/n, I did know a lower class girl who fell in love with a French nobleman, and well, it didn't end up as a pretty picture." She said, her eyes widening at remberming the events that went down. You looked at her a bit of concern on your face, you hadn't even been on a date with Wolfie, but from the way the story sounded, you didn't want to end up like that.

"That won't happen to you, y/n. Mozart is too stubborn and firmly believes in marrying for love to ever marry for the approval of his father, I mean, a woman whom his father approved of would be beneficial, but not needed." Viola said, finishing her French toast.

"Have you by chance met Mozart's father? The way Wolfie described him he sounded like an old, strict, German man." You said, hoping he wasn't that bad.

"Well, you're one hundred percent correct. His father has no sense of humor, is extremely strict, and just seems to be a miserable man. I only met him three times, all short encounters, but all awkward and terrible. I find it hard to believe someone like Wolfgang is the product of Leopold." Viola said, a little bit of disgust on her face.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was your relationship like with him? Was it good or bad, or just normal?" You asked, wanting to know a bit more about what Mozart was like as a lover.

"We really didn't go together, but he was sweet and kind to me. Other than our parents setting it up, it was a very normal relationship. I'm glad you're with him, y/n, you two will go well together, no matter how much his father opposes it." Viola said. The waitress came and picked up the checks.

After the waitress came back you and Viola said your goodbyes, hugged and went home. You were a little nervous after learning more about Wolfie's father, but how bad could it be. 

Jung und Verliebt (Young and in Love)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن