Chapter 23// The big party

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" I hear a deep voice call out behind me.

I turn on my heel looking over my shoulder to see a young man who looks too young to be here but also looks like he fits right in just a smidge. This guy is moving on his heels to the music grinning ear to ear.

I squeeze my brows together turning my body to his giving him my full attention which I wish I just ignored him because he's staring at my body which is making me anxious. "Hello?" I respond crossing my arms in front of my stomach.

He tilts his head when his eyes reach mine, "you wanna dance?" he asks finally letting the words slip out.

I force a smile, "No thank you I'm actually waiting for someone." I nod pressing my lips together hoping he'll leave me alone. He doesn't budge though.

The mystery guy shakes his head, "I think you need to loosen up and come have a few drinks and dance. Whoever you are waiting for clearly is taking their sweet time."

I guess he's right Dylan seems to be taking his sweet time. I take the guy's hand as he leads me to the dance floor. A guy is walking around handing out drinks and he takes two handing one to me. Good thing we took a taxi. Ah, what the hell. I take a few sips the drink being strong as heck.

By the time I'm done with the drunk I feel loosened up as hell. I didn't even realize I was grinding up on the mystery man I just met. He and I are giggling it up as we held hands swaying to the music my back against his front. I start to sing the lyrics feeling free as I have ever been in a while. This feels so good I don't want the night to end.

"You are so sexy girl-" I suddenly feel the guy being pulled away from me and I quickly turn around to see Dylan there. He looks sort of pissed even though he's trying his best to hide it.

"I think the fun time is over buddy you better get out of here before I do something I will possibly regret," Dylan spoke with a scolding expression.

The guy just shook his head and walked in the opposite direction.

How can he just come out and take the fun away when I'm single and he clearly isn't. Was he jealous? He has to know that he can't do that with me or it will be all over the news. Dylan grabbed my arm lightly taking me out of the dance floor.

I squeeze my eyes shut as my head was starting to pound from the alcohol. "Dylan slow down." I broke out releasing my grip from him. My hand holds my head as I open my eyes to him.

The man before me sighs and begins to shake his head, "Cas you're a mother. What would your daughter think of you if she knew you were out here dancing-"

I scoff shaking my head lightly, I put a hand up t stop him from talking. "You are kidding me right?" I force a snicker. "You cannot tell me what my own daughter would think of me. Okay? And what- what was I supposed to do here just sit here and watch you have fun? Why did you even invite me, Dylan? I have been here for about an hour. Where the hell were you?"

He looks away, "I was with Becky. She- she- we- were..." He trails off but I happen to know where he was going with that.

I can feel tears about to swell in my eyes. How can he be mad I was dancing with a guy when he was just fucking his wife instead of being here like he said he would be.

"Well, your husband and wife after all." I begin to walk away but he calls after me jogging in front of me.

"Look, I'm sorry all right. I told her I had to go countless times but-" Dylan licks his lips stammering, "she's still my wife Cas."

I want to say something else to him but then a few guys swarmed Dylan with their phones out. Figures he'll want his picture taking. I shake my head crossing my arms as I walk away. My eyes wander for Jackie who I can't find anywhere. I want to say something I have to. I know I shouldn't but it's something I must say so Dylan can get the big picture. Someone walks by with shots and I take two gulping them both down.

I make myself laugh as I find a table to stand on. "Hey, can you help me up here?" I ask a man who's super tall. He hands his friend his drink and sweeps me off my feet which was unexpected as he gently places me on top of the table. "Wow, strong man huh?" The man just shakes his head smiling. I look away smirking when I start to wave my hands around like a maniac.

"Whooo!!! Hello!! Everyone, may I please have your attention?" I shout out still waving my hands. Slowly everyone starts to turn their heads to me which suddenly makes me regret coming up here but once Dylan turned his head and I remembered why I was doing this. "So we all know why this party is happening right? Because of this man right there! Dylan O'Brien!" I begin to laugh but after a minute stopped catching my breath, "well many of you may not know this but he and I go way back. I was his roommate back in college. Long story short he let me live in his home so I can go to college. He even met his wife at my college. So your welcome Dylan to your fairytale love story huh?" I smile hard I feel my cheeks burning. "This man has- he and I have been through so many rollercoasters I can't even begin to tell you. It's so crazy to not hear from him for five years just because he is famous now." I kind of felt bad for saying that because I actually haven't bothered to reach out to him either but after that last interaction we had... It just felt wrong. After that thought my smile fell and I felt tears forming once again. The look on Dylan's face couldn't hide the emotions he was going through which was breaking my heart even more. I breathe in and out over what I'm about to say to everyone right here. "You want to know what the last words he said to me? I love you... On his wedding day." I don't break eye contact with Dylan. I want him to know how much he has hurt me by flaunting his love with Becky right in front of my face. I suddenly feel a hand grab me as I almost fall but the guy who helped me up here grabs me in time. I'm being yanked away by my best friend as I hear chatter spill up upon the room.

Were outside now as I hear my name being called out.

"Cas! Cas! Wait!" Jackie and I stop just in front of the taxi as she lets go of my hand to face Dylan.

He shakes his head staring at me with disbelief. He throws his hands out beside him sighing as he lets them fall at his sides. "Why- what the hell was that?"

I begin to shake my head fighting the tears begging to come out, "you don't understand do you?" I scoff lightly, "I have been in love with you since that night there was a bad storm and we shut out phones off when I lived with you do you remember that? That was the moment I realized I liked you and every moment after that it was just so much pain to see you with Becky and then-" I get choked up. "After watching you propose right in front of me in the pizzeria groove to hurt me and then you say you love me on your wedding day. That has screwed up my head for years. It has even made me not being able to find someone else I can love because no I happen to still have feelings for you but still I cannot do anything about it! You bring me to this party but you tell me you couldn't be here to have fun with me because again you're with Becky." I shrug my shoulders with a huffed breath. "It's like college all over again but-" I force a smile. "I guess none of that matters though because your Dylan O'Brien this famous actor and I'm just Cassandra." I stare at him letting him adjust everything I just said. I had enough of tonight and I turn on my heel climbing in the taxi with Jackie never looking back.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Remember to vote and comment! :D

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