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Chapter 4.

Edited: 13th February 2015.


*** Thomas P.O.V ***





Then, as I looked out, a figure flew over the moon, I could just make out pitch black wings.

Angel wings.



"Tom... Come on. Come out, it's been two days," my moms voice said from the other side of the door.

The difference between my brother having powers, and my mom having powers, is he doesn't use them to get in my room whereas Tim does.

"No!" I yelled, burying my face into my cushion.

"Fine," my mother rarely used his powers but when push comes to shove, and her kids haven't eaten for two days, she likes to show off.

As me and Tim hadn't practiced a whole lot, and wasn't as old, our powers weren't as strong.

My mother unlocked my bedroom door and stormed into the room, hands on hips.

"You march yourself right down them stairs now Thomas!"

"No! I told you I wouldn't!"

"I don't care Thomas!" He yelled back, "get downstairs now!"

I huffed and got up from my bed grumpily, storming down the stairs into the kitchen.

There stood my younger sister, twin brother, father, and grandparents from both sides along with uncles and aunties from both sides.

"Woah..." I murmured when I saw them all, they all had stern faces and I wondered why they were all here as it only ever happened on Christmas or Birthdays.

"Surprise," my mom said when he came down and stood next to me.

"What? W-why are you all here?" I spluttered, looking around at all the eyes that were on me.

My mom and dad stood next to Timothy and Evangeline, my grandparents on my dads side stood next, then my grandparents on my moms side, his older brother Uncle Reece with Aunt Zoey, Aunt Jessie was sitting at the table with Uncle Ryan and his mate.

Everyone was here, and now I was completely scared.

"W-why are you all here?" I stuttered again, everyone went to talk at once but my dad stopped them with the look.

"We're all here son to congratulate, and to help you see that having your Mate is a good thing. You don't need to be scared, and you certainly need to be able to talk to him."

I sighed, it would be one of them conversations, it would be just as embarrassing as the sex talk me and Tim got when we were 16.

"What if I don't want this talk?" I asked, my tone of voice wasn't of a friendly nature.

"Well you're going to get it anyway," Tim came over to me and shoved me into a chair, standing behind me so I wouldn't get up again.

"First of all," my grams started on my dads side, "I'm so happy that you found your mate, and from now on, you won't run away from him will you sweet pea?"

"No," I murmured.

"Congrats son," my granddad said, "you did well. But next time you meet your mate, you grab him and you do what your instincts tell you to do. Okay?"

"Erm... Okay?"

"Now as well as whatever them two nut jobs are on about," my other grandma said, "you just gotta show him the real you. Show him what you're really about. Make him love you instead of giving him a choice."

"Oh, coz I'm gonna give him a choice," I muttered sarcastically.

"Be nice!" My step-granddad muttered with a smile, "but congratulations. I agree with Peter though, you gotta just do what your instincts tell you to. Show that boy what he'd miss if he didn't have you in his life."

"Help me Uncle Reece, stop these crazy people!" I whined, looking up at my Uncle with puppy dog eyes, his mate was giving me her one eyebrow raised look.

"No, because I too have a thing or two to say. When this one," he pointed at his brother, my mom, "first found his mate I was horrified and didn't want them together as I thought Gio," my dad, "would hurt my little brother. You see, I didn't want him to have a Mate, to let anyone hurt him. But Spencer did what Spencer always does, he went out on his own and did what he wanted. Got with Giovanni and lived happily ever after. And that's what I want you to do, I want you to live with your Mate. Show him that you're the best he can do."

I laughed a little, it did seem like my Uncle Reece to be protective of my mom. He was one of them brothers.

"Yeah. And you may even find your brothers Mate out in the woods when being reckless," Zoey murmured. My mom had saved my Uncle Reece's Mate after she had been attacked in the woods for being a rogue. But my mom saved her and tada, Zoey was Uncle Reece's mate and they got on like a house on fire.

"I'm so happy for you!" Aunt Jessie squealed, she was still young and it was funny as she wasn't much older than me.

"Thank you Aunt Jessie," I smiled at her and then at Reece and Zoey, thanking them as well.

Now that I had had family saying these things, I felt better about my Mate and what to do.

Ryan and his mate didn't say much and I still thanked them. It was all helpful, until it came to my parents.

"Now," my mother started, "you gotta do what everyone here has told you, you gotta go for it! Get your Mates attention and show him what he'll be missing if he doesn't get with you! And if that doesn't work, get with someone else and make him jealous if it comes to that."

"Don't do that," my dad growled, "it never works and it just makes us want to snap the other guys heads off."

I smiled, it was so like my parents to argue about them things when trying to tell me something important.

"Just, if he hurts you, I will hurt him," my brother growled next, "and I won't be too kind."

"Ask him out," Eve stated plainly, "just fucking do it. It's not hard, actually it's pretty simple and I'm sure he'll want you."

"Okay..." I trailed off, "if that's all, I would like to go to bed and sleep. I'm tired."

My father said it was okay and to come down later for dinner, it was a rare occasion for everyone to be here and he wanted to make it a big thing.

Lucky me, having to put up with all that family in a little space of time.

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