Sister's Mate.

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Chapter 6.

Edited: 13th February 2015.

Sister's Mate.

*** Thomas' P.O.V ***





They were a brilliant light green, shining brightly against the darkness of the trees.

They were beautiful, and then they were gone.



"Timothy! Thomas! Evangeline!" Mum yelled from downstairs.

The three of us left our bedrooms when in turn we heard our names and went into the kitchen, seeing our parents sitting at the table.

"What is it mom?" Eve asked, sitting down next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder.

Me and Tim sat opposite mum and Eve, dad was at the head of the table.

"We want to meet your mate. Properly," my dad said before our mom could open her mouth, "we haven't yet and you've been together for a while."

"I know," Eve sighed, "it's just she's so shy when with new people, hell it took her a week to even say one word to me!"

"Don't worry baby," mom said, "she'll be fine. We just want to meet her and maybe have a spot of dinner then you two can run along."

"I'll tell her," Eve sighed again but left the kitchen to go back upstairs.

"I best get cooking," our mom stood, kissed dad and then started pulling many ingredients out of cupboards.

Tim left too, muttering something about needing to go somewhere.
More than likely it was another of his conquests.

"Dad?" He hummed, "can you teach me how to fight?"


"I wanna know how to fight."


"No buts dad! I suck, and if I ever need to defend myself what am I going to do?" I nearly yelled in exasperation.


"I think it would be a good idea," mom cut in, my dad huffed as he was cut off again.

"If somebody would let me-"

"You should do it dad," Evangeline cut in this time, slipping some shoes on and then leaving the house with a wave.


"Yeah dad, you should do it then I can stop beating his ass," Tim cut off, putting shoes on as well and leaving.

"IS ANYBODY ELSE GOING TO CUT ME OFF TODAY?" My father yelled, me and mum looked at each other and started to laugh.

Dad had a bit of a temper, and one of his biggest pet peeves was being cut off by people while trying to talk.

"No," I said, a small grin still on my face.

"Okay. Come on then," dad stood from the table and I followed suite.

We both left the kitchen table and went out into the back garden, standing opposite of one another.

"We'll start simple. Try and stop me," my father gave me no time as he lunged at me, I ducked and he landed on two feet behind me.

He gave no time to spare and instead aimed to take out my legs. But I had gone through this with Tim and I ran straight at my dad also, my hands landed on his shoulders and I used the force to pull my legs up and do a backflip over my father.

I could never land when I did this move, so it wasn't a surprise when I tripped and landed face first in the ground.

"That was good. Except the landing," father laughed, helping me up off of the ground, "we just need to get your flip in earlier so you can knock there legs out from under them, then you have the upper hand."

My father spent the next hour trying to teach me how to land the move, and by the time we had finished I had nearly perfected it.

"Now go get ready," we were both sweating and a bit dirty so we laughed our way into the house and went our separate ways.

It smelt delicious in the house, our mom was doing a roast dinner and making everything from scratch.

"I'm going to have a shower and then come and help you mom," he said an okay and I went to do that, having a shower to freshen up.


By the time I had gotten showered and dressed again, Tim was home and talking to dad in the living room while Eve and her mate were in Eve's room.

"What do you want me to do mum?" I asked, doing the last of my shirt buttons up.

"Set the table," he said distractedly, I pulled six mats and placed them on the table. A plate on each mat, with a fork, knife and spoon next to and in front of the plates. I then placed six cups next to each plate, and a jug of water, orange juice and milk in the centre of the table.

Everyone came downstairs when dad shouted for them to, and Eve's mate was hiding behind her when they came down.

"Sit down! Sit down!" My mother ushered, bringing the meat, cut perfectly, out to the table on a plate. Everything else was on the table and I sat next to my dad who was at the head of the table, mom opposite me, Tim at the other end to dad and Eve siting next to me while her mate sat next to mom.

Eve's mate was a pretty girl, she had long blonde hair that had red dip dye at the bottom, dark purple contacts in, she was wearing a black dress that had lace at the top and flowed down to her knees, a dark blue shirt was also on, with boots.

"Well everyone, this is Allison." Eve introduced and we all turned to her, Allison flushed scarlet, "you can all stop looking now."

We did and instead we started to serve ourselves with food, dad was interrogating Allison with mom butting in every time it became to much for the poor girl.

It was only simple questions to start with and then it became more and father just wasn't going to give up.

"You should probably leave the questions now dad," I mumbled to him, he nodded but asked one last one and that was the last straw, Eve stood up and dragged Allison out of the room.

"Well done dad," Tim sighed, "that's the exact reason Tom doesn't want to bring home his Mate."

I nodded in agreement and got up, leaving without saying anything more for the back garden. I lay on the soft earth, the wind was warm as it worked slowly around me.

I watched the stars and the moon until I fell asleep to the soft noises of nature.

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