1 Chance.

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Chapter 11.


1 Chance.

*** Tom's P.O.V ***





I huffed but smiled. Chinese was my favourite.

"Tell them I'll be down in a minute," Sienna nodded and left, leaving the door open as I finished my sentence.

'-I love him already.'


"Why would I?" I asked Sienna the next day, yesterday was a disaster when I tried to talk to her brother, Miles, who is evidentially my Mate.

"Because you just have to!" Sienna nearly yelled, "you don't know what it means right now but it's important!"

"No! I don't think it is, yesterday you didn't see what happened. And I'm at liberty to say I never want to see your brother! It's not your choice! It's mine!"

"No!" Sienna burst out, her face was red and she looked a mixture of upset and extremely angry at me.

Even with all the things people like my mum, and family as well as Sienna has said I still don't know if I can believe Miles is my Mate. I get the feelings and everything, but what if someone can replicate them feelings?

Well it doesn't matter because I'm not going to let someone play me if I don't think those feelings are correct.

"No?" I asked her.

"No!" She stood from her seat and towered over me, "you don't get to make that decision! I don't care who you think you are! I don't want my brother dying because you don't feel like he's your Mate! You don't know it yet but Miles isn't like us! He's different! And he needs you more than anyone! So you get your ass to Miles right now and be a Mate for him!"

"No!" I stood too, "I don't want to! I'm gong to go home! You can't make me do anything I don't want to!"

"No you come back here right now!" I stopped walking and turned back to her, "you have to sort this out!"

"I don't have to do anything I don't want to!" I yelled, I walked out of the schools building and started to walk home. Nobody would tell me what to do, or make me do anything I didn't want to do.

"Okay," Sienna eventually caught up to me along with Crystal, they must have made the rush decision to follow me out here, "you don't have to if you done want to. But, at least give him a chance?"

"Why should I?" I asked her very seriously.

"Because he's your Mate Thomas, you can't stay away from your Mate."

"I think I can," I muttered.

"You can't," Crystal said backing up her Mate, "please. Miles just wants to get to know you, have your trust, everything that a Mate would normally. Go out with him, tonight. He's got everything set up. Here's the address of you decide to."

Crystal handed me a piece of paper and the two of them left me at where they presumed my house to be. I still hadn't said about being the Alpha's son and I guess I should do soon.

When I saw the pair turn the corner I moved to ascend the porch steps to my house, opening the door to the smell of cookies and the radio playing.

"Mom?" I called out, there was an 'in here' from the dining room and I followed it.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked, he had computers and papers surrounding him but he still said we could talk if needed.

"Okay. Well, it's about my Mate..."

That caught my moms attention, he put down everything he was holding and gave me his full attention.

"What about your Mate?"

"Well... He's my new friends brother, and she told me he has this date set up tonight. And she gave me the address of the place and I don't know what to do," I told him earnestly.

"Well then you're obviously going!" He squealed, "I have to help you get ready. Come on! Come on, up! Up, we gotta get you ready."

My mother snapped the paper from my hand and read it, there was also the time on the paper too.

"We have just over two hours to get there, although it takes about 30 minutes to drive, so just over an hour. Come on!"

My mother proceeded to drag me up the stairs to my room, push me into the bathroom demanding I shower while he picked out my clothes.

I showered quickly and when I came out my room was a tip. My mum was still in my walk in closet though, throwing out clothes as I dried my hair off with a towel.

"Are you done?" I asked, just narrowly missing a pair of jeans as I walked towards the door.

"Yes!" He finally yelled, coming out of the closet before I could see what he had in his hands.

"Now sit," my mum pushed me down onto the chair in the room that was against the far wall and pulled the hairdryer and straighteners out of the drawer, "I'll just get you ready. You don't have to do anything."

He patted my shoulder and I just let my mum get on with it, she pulled, straightened, dried, and prodded my hair for the next half hour.

"And we're done!" He declared, finally pulling away from me.

"Can I get dressed now?" I asked, looking at the time. It was half 5 and dinner was at half 6.


"Okay, bye mum," I laughed as he stood there, waiting for me to dress but I pushed him out of the room reassuring him I'd say goodbye before I left.

My mum really did have good taste, she's picked out a black button up shirt, navy tie, black jeans and suede shoes.

"Okay," I didn't know how long I'd been sitting there for until my brother and dad burst into the room.

"Woah!" I yelled, jumping up from my seat as they both ran for me, "what the hell are you doing?"

"We're watching you grow into a man!" My brother yelled finally.

"My little boys going on his fist date, what did you want me to do?" My dad then yelled, he had a tear in his eye and I looked at him slightly shocked.

Was my dad crying?

"No, I'm not," he wiped under his eye quickly, "I'm taking you to your date though."

"Well, you'd best go, mum will take another hour saying goodbye," my brother laughed but he hugged me tightly.

"Have fun," was his last words as I went downstairs with dad to say goodbye.

Dealing With A Fallen Angel. Boyxboy.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon