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There are only a few moments in her short 18 years of life when Amelia could remember a time that a boy took her breath away.

Almost all of them could be credited to Draco. 

Like right now, for example. 

Her right wrist was tied to the bedpost of her Defense Against the Dark Art professor's bed, while he was working eagerly to tie the left.

"You want to tease me, darling? Very well, we'll see how you like it." 

Amelia could probably bet that she would like it, but just to entertain, acted like she was nervous. 

Maybe a part of her was.

It seemed as though her little stunt in class had tapped into a part of Draco she hadn't previously discovered. 

He had already discarded his robes and was now shirtless walking around the bed to make sure she was secure in her place. 

Watching the anger in his face made Amelia tingle all the way down to her toes. 

He now climbed onto the end of the bed, spreading her legs apart and running his hands alongside them, pressing down with his thumbs. 

Amelia could already feel the heat pooling in her lower region.

"Fucking hell Amelia, what have you done to me?" He sighed as he reached the line of her skirt.

"You tell me." 

He gently pulled her skirt off, flinging it to the side, and lowered himself to her center. 

He kissed her sex through her panties and locked eyes, "You've bewitched me."

Something in Draco's eyes shifted, gone was the mysterious and broody professor, and here before her lay someone else.

Her punisher.

He made quick work of the buttons on her shirt and flung that to the side as well. 

Amelia felt the cool air tease her skin, and it also made her nipples harden.

Draco's lips found the most sensitive spot on Amelia's neck, brushing-not kissing-, teasing her with the promise of something more. 

Amelia felt her herself grab onto the ropes that bound her, her mind slowly coming undone.

His arm snaked around her neck, slowly lifting her till his lips were at her ear. 

"This is your punishment Amelia, me. I'm about to fuck you so hard, you'll be lucky if you remember your name tomorrow my dear."

Amelia let out a small whimper, partly out of excitement, partly because she wanted him to put her out of her misery. But she knew this was all part of it. The teasing, the wanting, he was making her suffer.

"Say yes." He growled in a voice so low, it made all her hairs stand on end.

She could feel the bulge in his boxers resting against her thigh making her clench. 

His hand moved to her neck, squeezing it ever so slightly. He hovered above her, his lips just an inch away from her own.

"Amelia, say yes." He repeated.

She nodded, "Yes."

"Good girl."

He muttered all the charms necessary as he took off his boxers.

He made his way back up to her face, his tongue parting her lips. He slowly dragged his tongue along her bottom lip, making her moan with anticipation.

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