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Upon arriving at Hogwarts, it didn't take long for Amelia to settle into her dorm and join Alan and Ivory in the Great Hall for the Welcome Back Feast.

Ivory and Amelia took their seats at the Slytherin table, while Alan took his at the Ravenclaw table. He was quickly welcomed by all his friends and Amelia could see him blush as he was hugged and given a knuckle sandwich. 

Amelia and Ivory's friends were also ready to give them a warm reception. Bran Leveret, Cliff Kettles, and Ginger Bovin were all equally as excited to hear what they'd been up to all summer.

Whilst everyone was catching up, Amelia couldn't help but feel her eyes wander to the staff table where professors sat. She didn't see anyone new, which was odd. 

Why wouldn't the new professor be there?

Headmistress McGonagall rose from her table and approached her podium. Slowly, the great hall grew silent. 

"I'd like to welcome everyone back to Hogwarts for another wonderful year. We have a few matters of business to address before we get to the sorting ceremony."

Everyone shared hushed whispers. 

McGonagall cleared her throat to redirect attention, "Firstly, many of you have already heard. We have a new DADA professor, and he will be arriving later tonight and promises to introduce himself to you all upon your first class meeting." 

There was a distinct feeling of electricity in the air, Amelia could close her eyes and feel her skin tingle. 

"Furthermore, he will need a new TA for the semester. Those interested may inquire at his office, which is located near the library." 

Amelia didn't hear anything else the Headmistress said because Ivory had taken her arm and nearly yanked it out of socket.

"Amelia! You should definitely do that!"

Amelia took Ivory's hand and unclenched it from her arm, "I might look into it. I mean, I don't have anything else to do and it'd look good on my resumé."

Ivory snorted, "Yeah, and you'd get to work closely with the mysterious hot new professor."

"Ivory, we don't know he's hot. He could be 70 years old for all we know."

Ivory shrugged her shoulders and went back to her feast, "He's hot, I can feel it."


The next morning, Amelia couldn't help but feel a slight spring in her step. She dressed in her brand new robes and brushed the tangles out of her hair. 

7th Year would be great, she decided as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. 

She hastily made her way to her first class, which ironically enough, was Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

She spotted Ivory waving her over to a pair of desks only 4 rows back. "You look chipper." Ivory smirked. 

"Would it perhaps have anything to do with the new professor?"

Amelia laughed, "Please, you know me. Just happy to be back at school. Think of all we can get up to this year, I mean we're 7th years. Top of the food chain." 

Ivory patted Amelia's shoulder, "So glad you've come to dark side dear friend."

Ivory and Amelia busily chatted with their surrounding classmates. Amelia was caught up, she didn't even notice him walk in. 

Not until, she spotted blindingly blond hair out of the corner of eye. 

As she turned to look his way, her breath hitched. 

Professor MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now