Spending Christmas Together

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  It was Christmas Eve and you were currently wrapping up the last few presents to set them neatly under the tree.  This was yours and Lou's 1st Christmas together and honestly everything was going perfectly. 

  Candles lit all around the room, Christmas music playing softly in the background, snow falling magically, hot coco and the tree shining brightly.

  You placed the last present under the tree before hearing Louis walk into the living room with a cup of hot coco. "Here love, I put extra marshmallows in for you" he says softly handing you the mug.

  "Thanks babe" you say softly walking over to the couch setting the mug down on the coffee table.  Louis walks over and gently sits down beside you pulling you into his lap peppering kisses all over your face and neck making you giggle softly.  His arms wrap around your waist and look up at him smiling softly while he looks around the room with a content sigh making you smile.

  "Everything alright Lou?" you asked softly while he continues to look around the room.  He turns back to you and nods kissing your forehead smiling down at you.  "Everything is perfect love, the tree looks amazing by the way" he says softly reaching down cupping your cheek softly.  "Why thank you" you say proudly earning a soft chuckle from him making you smile. 

  "Honestly for our first Christmas together you did an amazing job love and I mean it, everything is absolutely perfect" he says kissing your cheek softly "just like my beautiful girl" he adds pressing his lips to yours kissing you softly but passionately.  You smile into the kiss before pulling away resting your face into his neck leaving little kisses making him sigh happily.

  "So, what shall we do now?" you asked reaching over to grab your hot coco taking a small sip.

  "Well I don't know about you but I'm perfectly fine with watching Christmas movies while cuddling my beautiful girl till we fall asleep" he says softly stroking his fingers through your hair softly making you cuddle deeper into his chest. 

  "Sounds perfect" you whisper softly pulling one of the blankets over the both of you. 

  He chuckles softly kissing the top of your head holding you closer to his chest.  You look up at him and see him already looking down at you making you blush. 

  "What are you looking at?" you asked softly turning around in his lap so you were face to face with him. He shakes his head still smiling down at you before stroking your cheek gently with the pad of his thumb sighing softly.

  "How did I get so lucky" he whispers softly tightening his arm around your waist not letting go.

  "If anyone is lucky its me" you tell him softly reaching up caressing his cheek softly.  He leans into your touch sighing happily placing his hand on top of yours. 

  "You're Louis Tomlinson, girls would kill to be in my spot right now" you chuckle softly making him smile widely.

  "Well that sucks for them because you are everything that I could ever dream of love, you're beautiful, fit, sexy and honestly I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world" he says softly making you smile. 

  He dips his head down slowly capturing your lips with his in a passionate kiss making you both moan softly.  He deepens the kiss cupping the back of your neck keeping you in place as his tongue slides across your bottom lip giving him access to explore your tongue with his.  Unfortunately he won like always and you both break free for air before he kisses the tip of your nose.

  "I love you so much Y/N, more than you will ever know" he says making you smile up at him.

  "I love you too Lou" you say softly cuddling back into his chest as you continue to watch endless Christmas movies.

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