You Have A Nightmare

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Your POV
You walked along the long corridor as the lights kept getting dimmer and dimmer, you were terrified to be honest, not knowing where you are, how you got here, what lurks in the darkness, you just wanted to get out of there and fast but you didn't know which way to go, so you decided to keep walking straight. You passed along multiple doors on each side of you, they were all red but as you kept walking there was one door that caught your attention. It was an old looking door with all different kinds of fancy designs on them, you being your curious self walked up to the door and opened it. You walked in not knowing what you were going to find but as soon as you did you stopped in your tracks when you saw Louis, your boyfriend of 3 years kissing another girl. She was blonde, skinny, and just looked ten times prettier then you did.

"Lou-Louis, what the hell are you doing with her?" you screamed walking up to them both but stopped as they seemed to move further away from you every time you took a step further. Louis pulled back from her and looked over at you with some much hate it made your eyes water.

"I'm moving on from you (Y/N), my love for has faded and its just not working anymore, I'm leaving you" he says making the blonde smirk as she wraps her arms around his waist.

"So this is it.....the 3 years we have been together meant absolutely nothing to you?" you ask feeling your voice crack more and more as the tears flowed freely down your cheeks.

"Absolutely nothing (Y/N), I don't love you....I never loved you, I was only with you because I felt sorry for you" he says making your heart break even more.

"So you're throwing all this away just for that fucking skank right there, like are you delusional said I was your one and only" I say getting angry as she starts kissing up his neck making him moan slight and I start charging towards them but them keep getting further and further away.

"Goodbye (Y/N)" was all you heard before everything went black.

Louis' POV
I wake up to (Y/N) mumbling and tossing around, I sit up and flipped the lamp on seeing her covered in a layer of sweat and her screaming my name. I scoot closer to her and places my hand on her cheek and the other on her shoulder shaking her lightly "(Y/N).......(Y/N) wake up" I say loud enough for her to hear and she sits up panting heavily and wrap my arms around her holding her close.

"Baby shh shh, its alright, you were just having a nightmare" I say stroking her hair as she buries her face in my neck crying softly.

"It was horrible left me for another girl and said that you never loved me and that you were just with me because you felt bad for me" she says through her tears and my heart broke right there.

"(Y/N) that is not true, I would never leave you for anyone because you are my one and only....and I love you with all my heart baby, forever and always" I say softly kissing her hair while rubbing her back.

"I love you too Louis....please don't leave me" she says and I cup her cheeks wiping her tears away.

"Never in a million years baby, your mine and only mine" I say before giving her a passionate kiss feeling her relax in my arms once again. "Do you think you can go back to sleep babe or no?" I ask looking down at her.

"I think I can go back to sleep but can you sing to me baby?" she asks making me smile and I nod.

"Of course baby" I say turning off the light and laying back down feeling her lay her head down on my chest and I wrap my arms around her before singing to her softly watching her fall back asleep peacfully

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