"-honestly though, you'd fuck her." Blaise was speaking to Theo who instantly agreed.

"Obviously, blood status be damned."

Malfoy's hands started to curl into fists, face beat red - something Blaise took note of. Zabini turned slightly to smirk at Malfoy before glancing back at Theo.

"Malfoy wouldn't shag her, though," Blaise's eyes were twinkling as Draco's darkened, his scowl deepening. "I don't think it's cause he wouldn't want to, though. Word is she can't stand him."

Theo grinned at Malfoy, who was noticeably seething. Theo ignored Draco's temper, pearing curiously at him. "What'd you do, mate? Honestly, I know you're a stickler for the blood status thing, but -"

"Stop. Talking." Malfoy spoke through clenched teeth. He exhaled noisily, running a hand through his normally perfect hair, mussing it in frustration. "When I asked about Dumbledore, I meant what do you know about her."

"Ohhhh," Blaise tried to act innocent, ignoring the murderous looks Malfoy was shooting at him. He scratched his head, glancing nonchalantly at the glass wall.

"Not much," Theo admitted as he leaned back, watching the silent exchange between Blaise and Malfoy curiously. "I know she's got classes with the headmaster over Christmas break."

"What?" Blaise and Malfoy both turned to look at Theo in surprise.

"Where'd you hear that?" Malfoy demanded, almost impressed by Theo's information. Blaise and Draco looked at Theo expectantly, waiting for his answer.

Theo smirked, smuggly stewing in silence for a moment before speaking. "It honestly pays off to not be a hated Slytherin. People see you in the corridors, and they shut up about their secrets instantly. Me? Less people know me, therefore less people hate me. Makes it easy to eavesdrop."

"What're her classes for?" Blaise asked curiously, face turning sour at Theo's words. "I bet it's some kind of advanced class."

"She did cast a nonverbal, wandless spell," Theo pointed out. "The headmaster probably took interest in her and wants to see what else she can do."

"Think about it," Blaise said softly after a moment. "If that wasn't just a one time deal, and she can control her wandless magic, that'd make her the most powerful witch of our age."

"Do not speak like that," Malfoy snarled, eyes flashing. When his friends looked at him in shock he stood up, bellowing. "Her blood status is unknown; she's not that powerful." Even as he spoke he recalled the bathroom incident. She'd decimated an entire bathroom just off her emotions, but that didn't mean she had learned to control it. "We already have to deal with a MudBlood being labeled as the 'Brightest Witch of our Age'. Let's not slap a label on another one."

Malfoy strode off to his dorm room, muttering obscurities that didn't reach his mate's ears.


"AHHHHH!" A blood curdling scream echoed through Hogwarts. Dahlia awoke with a start in a cold sweat, heart pounding. She had to get help - someone needed help. For a moment she was frozen in fear at what she'd just witnessed. The next moment, she threw her covers off, bare feet padding across the floor. She stumbled down the stairs, scampering out the portrait hole a moment later, another scream leaver her lips, desperate.

"Albus!" Dahlia was sprinting down the corridors, screeching at the top of her lungs, chest heaving. She'd stumbled out of the portrait to her common room a few seconds previous, and now she was barefoot, in nothing but her Gryffindor quidditch sweat pants one of the twins had given her, and a tank top, scrambling through the halls as fast as she could. "Albus!" Her desperate screams were piercing the empty castle, the urgency apparent. The cold air had no effect on her as she continued to sprint down the corridors.

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