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James' POV

I walked down the deserted hallway, rather fast, for I was late for my appointment, again. I knew Marcus would be mad at me, but I couldn't help it. It's his fault in the first place that I don't get much sleep!

"You're late!" His voice boomed as I entered his office.

"Sorry. Didn't get much sleep last night." I replied, a bit dryly.

"Sit down, James. We have a new mission for you." He motioned for the chair that was placed across from his.

I silently sat down, in front of my mentor, mentally preparing myself for my next undercover mission.

Marcus pressed a button on his remote, which lowered a screen. On the screen was a video, paused, when a girl with a long, red waistcoat and a light brown hat was standing at the top of some kind of roof.

And I recognised her almost immediately.

"That's Hildegard!" I exclaimed.

"Precisely," Marcus began, "Our sources have found a piece of rather disturbing news. She is about to steal the ruby ring from the Hermitage Museum."

I flinched slightly at his words. Our last meeting wasn't exactly...pleasant. She ended up escaping successfully. She was one of those criminals who I couldn't beat. But I always loved a challenge.

"You need to stop her. And please, try not to fail this time, James. You're one of our most skilled agents. You're capable of defeating her." Marcus explained.

I nodded my head in determination. He then continued, "Ready your weapons. You will leave tonight."

I hurried out of the room soon after discussing my strategy with Marcus, thinking about how I would encounter her.

It definitely wouldn't be easy. She's agile, fast and quick-witted. I could observe quite a lot in our brief meeting last time. And it took her almost no time to defeat me.

I sighed as I closed my door. I wouldn't let her steal anything this time.


I stretched myself as I got off the plane in St. Petersburg, Russia. After collecting my luggage and heading to my hotel room, I got a call from Marcus, who gave me some basic instructions.

Night came by quicker than usual, probably because of my sheer anxiousness pooling within me. I had to face her again.

Along with the night, came my disguise. I packed my rapier to take it along with me to the museum, while slowly stepping out of my room.

In the dead silence and darkness of the night, it seemed like I was the only one up and about. I silently slipped through the darkness, reaching the front of the hermitage.

It was peaceful and quiet, and I used my rope to climb up to the roof. It was easy enough locating the room I had to protect since I was provided with a detailed map by Marcus.

I snuck in through the window, and surprisingly not triggering any alarms. I saw that the ring was kept in a sealed glass prism, with a red line demarcating its pedestal.

I assumed that the red line was the alarm, I was warned about them by Marcus.

Keeping a sharp lookout all around I stepped near the glass case, but careful not to trigger the alarm.

I didn't have to wait long before she came in. 'She' being Hildegard.

I could tell she was startled to see me, her expression clearly showed. But her surprise was short-lived, as her lips curled into a menacing smile.

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