The Elf and the Girl

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It was 12:30 am on a crystal clear night, the people of Chicago, all either tucked up in bed, or asleep, or just going to bed. Why, you ask? Oh, it's simple. It's Christmas Eve, you see.

One elf stood wide awake though, his job had just begun. He watched from behind the chimney, occasionally flying off to find a different spot. Watching people was really something he enjoyed. He was once a human too, but well, he couldn't remember a thing about that. Or so he told me. I can't really know for sure, all I can say is what Tobias told me.

But I digress. Let's get back to Tobias.

He stood there, watching some families happily set off for bed. His heart ached a bit, he had longed for a family for as long as he can remember. For the past 13 years, working for Santa had been an experience he wouldn't forget. But for once, he wanted to feel that love too.

He floated away once more, to the park this time, and grabbing his sack of presents he had to deliver tonight. It was going to be a busy night.

He swooped down the chimneys, dusted himself, placed presents below the tree, sometimes, grabbed a cookie. Then flew up the chimney again, and dusted himself, again. Just the job of an elf on Christmas Eve.

"Alrighty, this is the Hope family, one main present for their daughter, and two small ones for the parents," Tobias muttered to himself. He was about to swoop down the chimney again when he slipped. Slipped on the cold thin ice.

Down he fell, into the chimney. Like Alice had, when she fell in the rabbit hole. Except that the journey down the chimney was not pleasant like the one down the rabbit hole.

Tobias tumbled down, his hands and face covered slightly with soot. "Whatever the elf. This wasn't fun." Muttering this to himself, Tobias looked up, only to stop dead in his tracks.

Cherylene was sitting in the room, with a book in her hand which Tobias assumed she was reading, complete with wide eyes and open mouth.

"It's not what you think!" Tobias tried to explain, "I mean, it is what I think. think! Argh, what am I even saying? I mean, please don't scream!"

Cherylene didn't move, she stood as still as a statue. Then quietly spoke up, "You really are an elf? I thought elves were short?"

Looking at Tobias, nobody could say he was an elf. He was 5'7" tall, just how a 15-year-old boy would be. But his ears, oh his ears! They were pointed like that of any other elf.

"Well, yes, but actually no. Not all elves are short. I was a human once, so I still have human traits in my elf form. Like, my height. But wait, I'm not supposed to be talking to you! You're not even supposed to be awake!"

"But well, now I am awake." Cherylene shrugged it off like meeting an elf was no big deal.

"You're taking this too lightly, Missy. You need to go to bed!" Tobias said, floating slightly in the air as he said so, which made Cherylene's eyes go wide again.

"You can fly?" She shyly asked.

"Yes, all elves can. Now would you please go to bed?" Tobias was persistent in sending her to bed, but Cherylene really wasn't ready to listen.

"You know what, I'm out of here!" Tobias announced, his hands up in the air, as he floated towards the chimney.

"Wait!" Cherylene called out, lunging forward, and grabbing Tobias' leg before he could float away. "Take me with you, please?" She asked him.

"What? An ELF? Take a GIRL with him? No way, not gonna happen." Tobias immediately dismissed the idea. This was against the code. Elves were not even supposed to be seen by humans. Well, technically he was a human once, but no, he's an elf now.

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