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We've all heard stories of people knowing their past lives, of ghosts, spirits, and unfinished businesses. And I was no different. But had I ever imagined I would stumble upon such a case for myself? Not even in my wildest dreams.

It was a few months ago when it first occurred to me. I had just finished with my mid-term exams, and naturally, I wanted to spend my time doing something fun. And what better way to relax than to watch a movie?

I had always been entranced by Britain, without a very apparent reason. But since the old era, and British culture both appealed to me, I decided to watch The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Miss Osbourne.

It was late at night, as I sat watching the movie when a thought hit me. Something about that Victorian era seemed so familiar. Almost as if I myself have witnessed it...

There was no way! I've never even been to England, and I was most definitely not alive in the Victorian Era. Could it be that...?

No, no. There was no way. I convinced myself it was nothing, it had to be a coincidence. I pinned it down as yet another instance on my brain playing tricks on me, spooking me for no reason, and decided to continue watching the movie. However, that nagging feeling of a strange sort of déjà vu still persisted.

It was only a few weeks after this when I finally decided that this feeling was a bit too strong, and I decided to ask for some expert advice.

It was a beautiful evening, my friends and I had planned a movie night, to meet up and enjoy, with a classic favourite, Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes had been a very favourite movie of mine, ever since the first time, I had watched and read it. Classic, Victorian-era Britain always appealed to me. It was marvellous to see the entire setting, and being a fan of detectives and mysteries, I had always adored Sherlock Holmes a lot.

But well, where were we? Ah, yes, we had planned a movie night. It was decided that we would meet at my friend, Sia's place. It would be just three of us, but loads of fun was promised nonetheless.

I had dropped by at her place a little early, and we were waiting for George, so we decided to stroll around, discussing everything from movies to the results of our assessments.

It was after George came, and we started watching the movie. A blanket fort with pillows, a bowl of popcorn, and an impromptu pillow fight later, we were finally ready to begin watching the movie, which I had been looking forward to the most.

Even though I had already watched Sherlock Holmes, I was as excited about it as anyone watching for the first time. George had watched the movie too, while Sia had only read the book.

The movie began, and nothing seemed out of place. Sia was super enthusiastic to watch the movie, and George and I kept explaining a few things because we couldn't control ourselves.

It was somewhere in the midst of the movie when I suddenly became quiet and blankly stared at the screen. The same feeling of nostalgia, of deja vu, washed over me again. This time, slightly stronger. I could have sworn I had seen those buildings up close, in real life.

"Wait, wait. I think I've seen these buildings before..." I muttered.

"Yeah, Neil. We've watched the movie! DUH!" replied George, not taking his eyes off the movie.

I rolled my eyes slightly at his remark and then said, "Not like, on the screen, George. I feel like I've seen them in real life."

This caused both of them to look at me, with a confused look. "Wait, what? How?" Sia asked.

George then said, "Okay, unless you had a secret trip to Britain without telling us, there is no way that's possible." with a small chuckle.

I smiled while replying, "No, I never had any secret trips, I don't know what it is either. It's just a weird feeling, you know." My tone dropping to a somewhat serious one towards the end of my sentence.

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