Officially meeting fresh

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I was on my way to Cq house because Cq asked me to babysit her boys while she had to take care of some things. I already had the boys in the car and started to drive after she asked.

It took a while before we got there and my boys were already racing up to the front door.

"Boys! Slow down! There is no need to rush." I told them and they barely stopped in time from accidentally running into cross who was ahead of them at the time.

I walked up to them and knocked on the doors. I then waited for a minute or two before the door opened and I saw errors head peeking out, looking a bit nervous which mostly went away after he saw it was just my boys and I.

"Error! Hi!" Cross said excitedly.

Error smiled a bit at cross, "h-hi cross. Come on in." Error said and we walked in and I closed the door behind us while error and my kids moved into a different area of the house while I went to go find Cq to let her know I'm here.

"Cq? I'm here." I said right as I rounded the corner and saw her talking to Geno.

She looked back at me and then smiled.

"Thanks for coming on such a short notice." Cq said and I smiled. "No need to thank me, you know my boys alway want to hang out with your kids." I told her and she chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, I need to go now but I should be back after a couple of hours. So I'll see you later. Boys be good." Cq told her two kids that were there before leaving the area to tell error to be good before leaving.

"How's it going Geno?" I asked with a smile.

"It's going good." Geno said looking at me with determination and like he wasn't going to budge an inch about saying he was in pain or not.

I hid a sigh, hmm..I wonder if that extra magic of mine will come in handy now? I'll talk to Geno in a bit about that. I thought as Geno walked downstairs to go watch his brother error, cross, and then.

I then looked at fresh, "heya fresh. How's it hanging?" I asked and "it's hanging well up there broski." Fresh said and I like out a small chuckled.

Hanging up there..get it? No? Oh well. I thought mentally talking to myself.

"So how have you been doing? Anything new?" I asked and fresh glasses went from ??? To oh yeah.

"Yeah broski, Geno made a new friend called sugar I believe." Fresh told me and I blinked at that. Wow are we already at that part? I thought, I really have to see if Geno is willing to do it.

That way I can share some of my magic with Geno to help stabilize him a bit and get used to it slowly without my Magic's help. So he didn't completely rely on my magic, it's supposed to help stabilize him until he can stabilize himself on his own.

That and with my magic that I will give him, it would help him in a long run. I should probably also ask Cq when she comes back if she wanted me to do that since it involves her son after all.

I thought and I talked with fresh for a while as we walked down the stairs.

I kept an eye socket on all of them, error playing with my boys, while geno and fresh talked to each other. I smiled at that, it was an alright day so far. I hope it stays that way, I thought and geno started to cough again.

I walked over to geno, being gently with him and helping him calm down from his coughing fit.

I watched error look at geno with a worried expression on his face until my boys managed to distract him from geno.

"Geno? Kid, you alright now?" I asked him and geno nodded his head, a bit more quiet then he was a few minutes ago. Sigh..guess I'll have to talk to him now..

"Hey, geno? You mind if I ask you something in private?" I asked him and geno looked at me with curiosity.

"Sure mr. night." Geno said and I smiled at that. I just told them if they were going to call me mr., it would be mr. night. To shorten my name for them.

I lead geno away from the other kids and fresh watched us leave the room and we headed to a different room. I'll also have to ask Cq as well.

"Geno, listen...I uh..have some weird magic in me.. and I was wondering if you wanted me to help stabilize you a bit? It would help you in a long run and it should also make some of the pain go away.. I wanted to ask you and your mom that but your moms busy right now..but I'll ask her later and if she's uncomfortable with it or needs to be sure I can do it, then I'll show her how I can do it." I told him while looking at him with a serious look as geno blinked at me with surprise.

Then his surprise turned into delight and his eye lights into stars, "r-really? Will your magic really help me like that?" Geno asked me with a delighted smile on his face.

I nodded at that. "O-Ok then! I'll ask mom too when she comes back!" Geno said with a happy smile and we headed back in the living room.

I kept an eye on them up until Cq came back a few hours later.

A few of them were asleep already and I went to the front door when I heard it open and saw Cq coming in.

"Welcome back Cq." I told her and she smile a bit.

"Hm, how are the boys?" She asked me.

"They are doing good, geno had a coughing fit earlier today though." I told her and she looked a bit sad at that.

"I..wanted to ask you something's ok for you to say no though if your unsure.." I said and she tilted her head with curiosity.

"I um...have a bit of weird magic but..I can share my magic with others and help stabilize's not the first time I had to do it..I've done it a few times before my boys met your boys...and i was wondering if it would be alright to see if that would help geno.. but I'll only do it will your permission." I told her and she was silent for a moment before geno who followed me, spoke up.

"Mom..I want to try could help!" Geno told her and she looked a bit resigned..

"Are you sure it will help him?" Cq asked me and I nodded with a serious look on my face.

"Yes. I'm positive that it will help him become more stable and all." I told her.

Cq let out a sigh, "very well. I'll let you try it."

Nightmare nodded at that, looking grateful and started to get to work on sending some of his magic into genos body, it went all the way to the soul and surrounded it a bit.

Nightmare carefully moved his magic a bit into geno's soul, just a little bit and geno himself, felt that some of the pain he was feeling, was going away.

Geno smiled at that, delighted that it didn't hurt as much.

When nightmare finally finished, he got up from the ground that he kneeled down on and smiled.

"I'm finished. And if you want to, you can get geno checked out to see any improvement." Nightmare told Cq who nodded at that as she and geno went into the living room.

Nightmare got his boys and they left for home, going to bed after eating and getting ready.

Finally fishies with 1361 words. Finally.



Welp hope you like and comment what you think.

Ja ne~!


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