(○` 3′○)8

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Bakugou didn't know what to do he was never good at comforting people Let alone himself. He tried to get near Deku, but he wouldn't let him because of him slapping his hands away from him, whispering about how humans are evil, but then went back to how everyone leaves him and self-harming himself.

Bakugou needed help, but he didn't want to leave Izuku alone.  Then BAkugou got an idea; he hated it, but it was the only thing that would work. Goddammit.. he whispered under his breath before yelling something he never thought he would say in his mouth. BAKUSQUAAD ASSEMBLE

This shook Izuku for a second from the sudden loud noise. He scooted in the corner more, shoving himself in the wall. Then suddenly a lot of nocks on Bakugous dorm door. He rushed to the door to find Mina, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, and Todorokie(not part of Bakusquad,Bakusquad just occasionally there,here from time to time because he's bored) BAkugou dint-care at the moment why Todorokie was here, the more the better. DEKUS going wild he'S not listening TO ME he keeps SCRATCHING himself and HES starting TO BLEED. Todoroki perked up and started to run in the room, looking at Deku, who is in the corner, starting to scratch his legs from the deep cuts in his arms from his long sharp nails. Mina and Kirishima ran into the room looking at whats happening, stuck in shock from one Bakugou calling them, and two for what there witnessingwitnessedwitnessing. 

Denki and Sero were last to come with Bakugou behind staring at Izuku. Izu didn't even notice more people coming into the room; he was focused on his self-doubt, not even noticing the blood oozing out his arms.

I know what's happening... I can help, Todorokie said in a calm,monotone voice; everyone looked at him in shock; he has a look of pity on his face It's from experience, he said, while coming closer to the Neko. Todorokie was abused by his father, so he knew what it felt like to have a panic attack from loud noise or self-harming.  

When he was right next to Deku, he put his hand out, only to be slapped on the hand. He didn't retreat his hand tho he grabbed both of Deku's wrists and held on to them tight. Deku flinched at the sudden contact and started to kick Todoroki'sleg,,g trying to get him away from him. 

Spark appeared behind Todoroki, looking at Deku sadly, and turned away and sat on Bakugous bed. When this stuff happens The pack tells spark to go away for a second, then he can calm down to that's exactly what he did.

Todoroki pulled Neko into a hug trying to calm him down and stop him from scratching himself and kicking. What's wrong, Todoroki whispered in Deku's ear.  Deku started to whimper at the thought of his mom hitting him. Sh-Shes goona hit me again isn't she Deku whispered/Whimperd weakly Todoroki started to put the puzzle together. He was abused...  Todoroki held him closer, having the need to protect him. It's...

Ok, she won't hurt you anymore... BAkugou and I are here for you; he whispered in his ear, trying to comfort him.. Bakugou heard this and wanted to yell something but stayed quiet noticing it was working. R-R-Really, the Neko squeaked out in between his tears. Todorokitears Todoroki looked at Bakugou, sending him a glare telling him to respond... YAh nerd..Well.Well, protect you, Bakugou said, slightly blushing from what he said and embarrassment.Midoriyaa smiled weakly and slowly went to sleep. Todoroki put Deku on Bakugous bed and closed the door to it, signaling everyone to come in the common room, not to wake the neko up.

Todoroki led Bakugou and the Baku squad to the common room. Everyone sat on a couch except Todoroki who sat on a chair. "HOW DID YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO" Bakugou yelled ear rapping everyone. "Like I said before I had experience with my so-called father from his you know what..." At the sports festival, Todorokie told Bakugou about his father and his family but not to phimhim, telling him he won't use his left side. Bakugou took advantage of that and won. Bakugou nodded. Todoroki continued "Like me, he had panic attacks from how I can tell he can't handle them alone" "I'm guessing that those Wolves"Todoroki picks up Spark who was still following him "The wolves were helping him" "I'm guessing didn't you hear what he was saying," Todoroki said harshly eyeing at Bakugou. Bakugou nodded. "We need to talk in private" Todoroki said walking to the bathrooms. When Bakugou arrived, Todoroki explained the things he said... He kept saying how useless he was and how "She" was going to hit him... Bakugou knew, finally gathered the puzzle pieces together when he ad-Deku was in Kindergarten,Kindergarten,Kindergarten, he would have these bruises and marks on him. Hehehim, Hehe was confused because those weren't the places they hit him at, but he brushed it off. Now he realized that it was his mother who did this.

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