Part 8-(^人^)- 2/7

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Bakugou kept his head down staying silent..... I said did you know him Todoroki said again but more sternly... "YES OK", Bakugou yelled showing his face with sorrow and regret... It's all my fault I could've done something to help him but all I did was be a bitch and screw with his life, even more, why didn't I try to notice this sooner why did make his life worse.. bakugou yelled How can I become of hero when I'm so cruel he lowered his voice down a bit to almost barely a whisper. Todoroki wasn't good in these situations like these he wasn't sociable but he knew he could try...

Todoroki put a hand on Bakugous shoulder. HE sighed "it probably wasn't your... fault you screwed up but that's the past... He probably doesn't even remember but if he did he probably already forgiven you..." Bakugou looked up with tears still in his eyes... he swift his head around "Tch your .....probably right... thanks..." Todoroki was shocked he never saw this side of bakugou before... Bakugou started to walk out of the bathroom "THIS DOSENT MEAN I OWE YOU ANYTHING ICY HOT BASTARD" Bakugou said but deep down todoroki knew it was his way of saying thanks.

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