Part 8-(^人^)- 7/7

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3rd pov

It's been 2 months since this endless cycle of torture. Toga would always hold Izuku down and stab his arms and legs just to hear his beautiful screams of terror.  While this happened Bakugou and Todoroki continued the search for him even skipping school sometimes. Izuku would cry their names to come and save him. Todoroki and Bakgou would cry his name wishing for him to come back

But today was different after these two months Izukus screamed started to silence and Bakugou and Todorokies searches started to shorten. Toga and the league have gotten bored of the Neko. Toga did the only responsible thing anyone would do. 

"Hello there ~," Toga said entering one of the dark chambers as Izuku was kept in. She approached him and kicked him in the stomach. Izuku made no reaction just silently stayed on the floor not moving


Toga whispered under her breath she kicked him over with her foot.

he wasn't breathing




"hm...he's dead..."


"Well, that makes this much easier I was getting a headache anyway" Toga dragged the limp body to her room. she placed the body on the table. She grabbed some of her empty tubes and stuck them in Izuku body. 

moments later Every last drop of Izukus blood was I her tubes

"See it looks like you are actually useful"

1 year later

"Do you think he's still alive?"


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