1. "Nate Jacobs is fucking scary"

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Mila's POV

"Do I really have to come Cas?", I whined laying on her bed while watching her getting ready for some party. 

"Of course you have to", she chuckled turning around on her little chair, "It's Mckay's party and it's the perfect way for you to announce that you're gonna stay here". 

"But they already know me so-", "Mila shut up and get ready, you're coming with me", Cassie said cutting me off. 

I sighed and got off of her bed to grab some clothes I could wear. After what felt like the longest five minutes of my life I decided to go with a white tight dress along with some white sneakers. To be honest no one could make me wear heels to a party. 

"You look perfect, now make up", Cassie smiled as she finished up her lipstick. I sighed and sat down at her make up desk. 

Since I already had dark looking eyes I just went in for some eyeliner and mascara. After I was completely finished Cassie came back also dressed. 

"I'm gonna drive, we have to pick up Maddy and Kat on the way, is that cool?", she asked grabbing her purse and keys. "Sure", I smiled already knowing the two girls.

We got into the car and started driving to the party picking up the two girls. "Can we stop by Fez for a second? I need some fun", Maddy smirked. 

"Fez?", I asked confused as hell. "Aw you're so cute and new, Fez is the local dealer, I'm gonna get some weed for the party. Ugh, I can't stand Nate being there after our break up", Maddy explained getting some money out of her purse. 

Cassie stopped at the gas station which was where this Fez was doing his business I assumed. Maddy quickly got out the car and walked over to a guy with a buzz cut, he reminded me of Mac Miller for a second. 

It didn't took long until we walked into the packed party, people were already stumbling, dancing and making out every where. 

"I'm gonna go look for McKay, you good on your own?", Cassie asked me. "Yeah sure get your man", I chuckled as she walked away leaving me on my own basically. 

"Let's get some drinks", Maddy suggested pulling me by my arm towards the kitchen. 

We got there and poured ourselfs two shots and some more drinks. "Cheers", she smiled as we downed the shots in seconds. 

"So you broke up?", I asked Maddy as she searched the party, clearly looking for Nate. "Yes that asshole, he was just too much for me", she explained. 

Cassie had told me a lot about Maddy's and Nate's relationship, they would break up and make up like it was nothing. They were pretty toxic for each other if you ask me. 

"But for good this time?", I asked chuckling while taking a sip. "Yeah I wanna move on and speaking of, there is the guy I have my eyes on", she explained looking at a guy that looked slightly older with longer hair. 

"His name is Tyler, we've been talking for some time", she explained. "You know you don't have to watch me, you can go to him, I'm fine on my own", I told her immediately receiving a thankful look. 

Not long after I told her, Maddy went to Tyler and they started talking. I sighed and poured myself another drink noticing a blonde girl looking equally as lost as myself. 

My eyes wandered around the house as a crowd started forming outside. Since it was already full I couldn't make out what happened but all I heard was screaming from none other than Nate and Maddy, obviously. 

I decided it wasn't any of my business, so I just got on my phone texting Cassie, asking if she was okay. 

Suddenly Nate stormed back into the kitchen making everyone get out of there except for the blonde girl. 

He started yelling at her "Does anyone here knows who the fuck Jules is?!". The poor girl was trapped by his big body and looked frightened. 

If you ask me Nate Jacobs is fucking scary. He's so tall and build like a door, this boy definitely could kill us all with his bare hands. 

"You wanna hurt me?!", I suddenly heard Jules yelling back as I snapped out of my thoughts. She had a knife in her hands pointing it towards Nate as she started stepping closer towards him this time. 

She suddenly cut herself shouting something I couldn't quite make out over the chatting of the many people that had formed around the kitchen. 

Everyone went quite in shock by the actions of the girl "I'm Jules by the way. I just moved here", she said making me giggle. 

The whole situation cooled down soon after the incident and everyone went back to partying. Apperently Maddy was fucking this Tyler guy in the pool and Cassie was upstairs with Mckay. 

I knew I had to go home alone so I decided to have one last drink before making my way back to my aunts house. 

"Mila?", a guys voice asked behind me, none other than Nate Jacobs. "Correct", I smiled as I finished pouring my drink. 

"What are you doing here?", he asked standing next to me leaning against the counter. He was so tall that I actually had to look up at him. 

"I moved in with Cassie's family. So I'm officially gonna stay here and go to school with all of you", I explained. "Good then I get to see you around here more often", he smirked. 

This right here was Nate Jacobs, constantly flirting with people he shouldn't be flirting with.

"Yes, you will", I answered finishing my drink as I started walking towards the door. He caught my arm making me turn around, "Where are you going?"


"Why? The night is still young", he argued. "But I barely know anyone here", I argued back. 

"Come on, one more drink. Plus you know me", he smirked showing off his perfect white teeth. "Fine but only one more drink". 

So that didn't really work out, I got home around 5 AM totally wasted. Nate really was good company we just kept drinking and drinking. Actually I got to know a lot more people during the party. 

But one thing didn't leave my mind and it was related to the tall boy with anger issues. 


Hey and welcome to my new story a Nate jacobs fanfiction. 

I really hope you enjoyed it so far <3

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