Art insta account... but I need advice to convince my parents-

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So I want to start some kind of thing for my art to be put up, because Deviant Art isn't my fav. (It's good, but meh, you know?)

I really want to get on Instagram to post all my art, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea :/ er, well, that's what my family say. Thing is, I want to have a really big Instagram that I can build over several years to try and show progress as I ascend through school and such, but my family don't seem to get it.

I mean, I personally think I'm at the art level where I'd be a decent artist there and a average poster with a drawing every two days or so.

But again, I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to. I'm barely allowed Amino on my phone, even! (though I do have a few months of art on some communities, but I want more >:0 I want my own profile, ya know? To s p r e a d out and such. 

How would I convince my family to let me have one...?

((I mean, to build a career, to show progress... I've got that, but ahh... I dunno what to say to make her see how well I'd do T T I even wanna post on RedBubble to get my art out in the world more so- even if it's just a tiny print for a sticker- and aa!

But I'd need an Instagram, I know it! I need to have place that's more official to be like, 'Yo this is my art. Like it? Well check out my Insta' and then boom, done with it.


It's legit just for art and I dunno what to do to tell my mom this and have her get it!

Sorry for the rant- it's like 2:30 AM right now and I'mma pass out.

But does anyone have any advice? q q'' TIA.

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