(More Sammy/Sammy Demon things)

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I was given a pack of 8 little pens. One of them is a brush pen, and I've never really used one before, so these were like little random things I drew with the pens.

1) Demon Sammy, but he's gone. Even though he IS a demon, I'd like to think of him as an innocent angel if he were to die. (this isn't the personality of BATIM Sammy, btw.)

2) An annoyed Sammy

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2) An annoyed Sammy.

3) A kinda nervous/slightly flustered Sammy

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3) A kinda nervous/slightly flustered Sammy. (I'm not sure what I was trying to do with his hands- he's not tucking them in pockets, since he is wearing a sweater. It's also sorta unfinished, since I didn't draw his legs.)

4) Mask Sammy! >:3

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4) Mask Sammy! >:3

4) Mask Sammy! >:3

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And that's all I have for right now. uwu

2020 ART BOOKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora