Legoshi (Beastars) + A heartbroken Sammy

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I love Legoshi so darn much. QwQ

And ye

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And ye. I used a reference- but I mean I kinda had to o<o but I'm proud of this so ye u<u

And here's a heartbroken Sammy.

And here's a heartbroken Sammy

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"Who needs love..." The demon murmured to himself, almost in a scoff. He stared off into the distance, and though he didn't want to think about him, he ended up doing so without even realizing it.

"Was... it my scars that drove him away...?" Sammy whispered.

"Was it the fact that... that I'm... just pitiful...? Was that it...?" His voice got even quieter, and his bright orange eyes seemed to dull in their color.

"Yeah... That's... That's probably it... After all... how could a demon like him, love someone as pitiful like me...?"

The demon closed his eyes, and felt a few tears form. "H-hn..." He turned away and moved to sit down with a thump. " h-how could he fake that he l-loved me... Wh-when..." some more tears began to form and cascade down his face. "When it seemed like... h-he really did...?"


Sad scene u u

5-13-20 beep beep, he's a sheep, I say beep beep he's a sheep... u<u

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