👤Painful Goodbye👤

Start from the beginning

I'm sorry.. I don't love you.

Please take care of the baby."

When Win finished reading, countless sobs he didn't know he prevented from getting out of his lips escaped from his mouth as his tears continuously flowed on his cheeks.

He can't believe this! He don't want to believe the letter but half of him was believing it.

It hurts him to the point that his heart aches and the baby inside is kicking on his stomach.

"P'! H-How dare you!" Win shouted at no one in particular as he slid down on the floor still crying while clutching the letter hard.

He's hurt, really hurt cause he thought Bright loves him but now, he's not sure if all this time, it was all an act or some of it was made with willingness.

The fact that Bright just have sex with his few hours ago hit him like tsunami.

Now, he knew why Bright is acting like a monster in bed when in fact Bright is very freak when it comes to taking care of the baby and the pregnant male. Now he knew why Bright got sex with him several times yesterday and a few hours ago, because it's their last and final one.

Win cried more hard than usual, as he slowly stood up and opened his phone to call Bright but no one answers

Several times of trying to call the older with still no response scared Win.

He don't know why, but now, he's angry and scared.

That's why he stood up and walked out of the room as tears still flowing on his eyes.

As soon as he got out, when he saw the car in the garage, -his car that Bright bought him- he broke down again.

This time, his neighbor heard him.

"Win? Win? What happened?!" Gulf said as he ran to his brother who's now very weak in crying and almost fainting.

"Sun? What happened? Where's Bright?" Mew also asked, worry is visible on his voice.

But Win didn't respond to the both of them and continued crying while clutching the letter and Gulf's shirt who's hugging him tightly

"P'. Bright. I-I need Bright!! G-Give me my Bright b-back! I need h-him!!" Win shouted, his eyes were red and started to became puffy.

"Calm down Win.. Calm down first.. Tell me where's Bright." Gulf asked softly but Win shook his head as he  buried his wet face on Gulf's chest.

"Please. P'. C-Come back. I-I need you P'. We need y-you. S-Sabby needs you!!" Win mumbled.

"Calm down. Come on. Let's go inside first" Gulf offered Win and help him stood properly but Win refused to go inside, instead,

"No! I don't want to just sit here! I want my boyfriend back!! Even if he hurt me! Even if he don't love me! Even if I hate him! I want him back! I want him!!" Win shouted on Gulf's shocked face and ran to his car but he didn't got to touch the door when Mew held his wrist.

"Sun. Calm down.. You need to calm down first. You're pregnant, don't stress yoursel-" Mew didn't finished his words when Win pushed him with all his might and got inside of the car then drove it out of the house.

"God!! Where the fvck is Bright?! We need to call them. Win might be in danger!!" Gulf exclaimed scared if anything happened to Win so Mew dialed their mother's number.

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