"Papa." Aarav squealed and run up to Arnav who hugged him.


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"Papa....How did you meeting go?" Aarav asked as Arnav broke the hug and picked up Aarav.

"It went absolutely fine...... " Arnav replied as he moved to the dining room with Aarav in his arms.

"Bhai..... What was the meeting about? " Akash asked as he sat down.

"Will uncle found a very good european Indian brand which will be good for a collaboration." Arnav replied and Akash smiled.

"Good..... It's about time we start exploring european market. " Akash said. "But which company is that? " He asked.

"A&A Designs. " Arnav replied and smiled at Aarav who was playing with his beard.

"I have heard about them...... They have some really good designs..... You made a very good decision. " Akash said.

"Actually it was uncle who suggested them....... He became friends with the owner and had seen some of his designs and suggested it to me..... The owner just called me after Aman contacted him and we have agreed on a deal but I will also need you opinion on it first before we finalize it. " Arnav said as Aarav who was sitting on his lap switched to playing with his loose tie.

"Bhai....No need for my opinion..... I trust your judgement. " Akash said as he stuffed his mouth with the grapes on the table.

Arnav smiled seeing the trust his brother had in him and Manohar smiled seeing now that his plan of bringing Khushi back has began not knowing someone is also plotting to bring Khushi back.

The other family joined and began eating. Arnav started feeding Aarav and Aarav also fed him much to the happiness of all with the exception of Anjali who had never liked Aarav since he became part of the family.

She is up until now amazed at how his brother who never liked children actually ended up loving a boy who wasn't his.


It's been four months since the wedding and a month since Akash and Payal returned form their honeymoon.

One rainy day, Arnav just arrived at the gates of RM but stopped his car when he spotted something at the entrance of the gate and got down to find out what it was and as he moved closer he heard the cry of a child.

He was shocked and moved closer only to find a little boy in a basket all wet and crying his lungs out.

Arnav immediately picked him up and the gates opened afterwards and he rushed into the house shocking everyone.

"Bhai...... Whose child is that? " Akash asked.

"I don't know Akash..... I found him at the gate with this note saying please take care of him. " Arnav replied and Payal moved closer to the baby who was now hicupping and touched him.

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